Is the argument generally logically acceptable?

Is the argument generally logically acceptable?

In effect, an argument is valid if the truth of the premises logically guarantees the truth of the conclusion. An argument is valid if the premises and conclusion are related to each other in the right way so that if the premises were true, then the conclusion would have to be true as well.

How do you argue logically?

There are three stages to creating a logical argument: Premise, inference, and conclusion. The premise defines the evidence, or the reasons, that exist for proving your statement. Premises often start with words like “because”, “since”, “obviously” and so on.

Is it possible to present a logical argument that you feel strongly about?

So, yes, it is possible to seek, find and present good arguments for things you feel strongly about. Other people may experience different feelings. The same person even may have different feelings at different times.

What is the first step in evaluating an argument?

The first step of evaluating an argument is making an inference connection. The second step is asserting premise acceptability. Two questions to ask first is (1) Is this argument valid and (2) is this argument sound or unsound.

How do you give a good argument?

9 Ways to Construct a Compelling Argument

  1. Keep it simple. Keep your argument concise.
  2. Be fair on your opponent.
  3. Avoid other common fallacies.
  4. Make your assumptions clear.
  5. Rest your argument on solid foundations.
  6. Use evidence your readers will believe.
  7. Avoid platitudes and generalisations, and be specific.
  8. Understand the opposing point of view.

How do you win a quarrel?


  1. Stay calm. Even if you get passionate about your point you must stay cool and in command of your emotions.
  2. Use facts as evidence for your position.
  3. Ask questions.
  4. Use logic.
  5. Appeal to higher values.
  6. Listen carefully.
  7. Be prepared to concede a good point.
  8. Study your opponent.

How do you master art of arguing?

How to Master the Art of Arguing at Work

  1. Stop thinking of arguments as arguments.
  2. Remember that the point isn’t always to change your colleague’s mind.
  3. Don’t ever bottle up your feelings.
  4. Always approach your colleagues face to face to discuss an issue.
  5. Clearly and carefully outline why you’re in disagreement.

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