Is tracking point out of business?

Is tracking point out of business?

TrackingPoint has fallen on hard times and is no longer selling its $27,500 sniper rifles with digital smartscopes. “Due to financial difficulty TrackingPoint will no longer be accepting orders,” said the Texas-based gunmaker on its web site. “Thank you to our customers and loyal followers for sharing in our vision.”

How much does a tracking point cost?

Tracking Point charges from $22,500 to $27,500 for the different versions of its bolt-action rifle, which has a five-round magazine using .

How much is a TrackingPoint scope?

Priced at $5,995, the M300FE contains all the fighter-jet technologies found in TrackingPoint’s higher-end models including target tracking, fire control with guided trigger, auto-ballistics, video streaming, and compatibility with TrackingPoint’s ShotGlassTM digital shooting glasses.

What are TrackingPoint guns?

TrackingPoint’s precision guided firearms system uses several component technologies: Networked Tracking Scope: The core engine that tracks the target, calculates range and the ballistic solution, and works in concert with the shooter and guided trigger to release the shot.

What is TrackingPoint technology?

Technology is at the core of TrackingPoint Firearms. It is what allows the average shooter to make shots beyond what the best marksmen in the world can make with any other firearm.

Who bought TrackingPoint in 2018?

In November 2018, Talon Precision Optics, of Jacksonville, Florida bought TrackingPoint. TrackingPoint’s precision guided firearms system uses several component technologies:

What is the history of tracingpoint?

TrackingPoint is an applied technology company based in Austin, Texas. In 2011, it created a long-range rifle system that was the first precision guided firearm. Formed by John McHale in February 2011, the company created its first PGF prototype in March 2011.

How does precisiontrackingpoint’s system work?

TrackingPoint’s precision guided firearms system uses several component technologies: Networked Tracking Scope: The core engine that tracks the target, calculates range and the ballistic solution, and works in concert with the shooter and guided trigger to release the shot.

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