Where is the Tempest SMG in Mass Effect 2? M-9 Tempest Location This weapon can be acquired from a dead Quarian during Dossier: Tali mission. It is important to pick it up before you answer the quarian radio. Also, you can pick it up in the room blocked by a pillar (which you have to […]
Who funds Fannie Mae?
Who funds Fannie Mae? Its funding came completely from the stock and bond markets. However, in the late 2000s, Fannie Mae was hit hard by the economic downturn and subsequent troubles in the real estate market. It’s been under the government conservatorship of the Federal Housing Finance Agency since late 2008. Is Fannie Mae not […]
What were the 5 things that the Treaty of Versailles did?
What were the 5 things that the Treaty of Versailles did? (1) The surrender of all German colonies as League of Nations mandates. (2) The return of Alsace-Lorraine to France. (3) Cession of Eupen-Malmedy to Belgium, Memel to Lithuania, the Hultschin district to Czechoslovakia. (4) Poznania, parts of East Prussia and Upper Silesia to Poland. […]
What is Arrhenius equation what is its importance?
What is Arrhenius equation what is its importance? Arrhenius equation is used to calculate the rate of a reaction. It is an important part of chemical kinetics. It helps in understanding the effect of temperature on the rate of a reaction. This equation was proposed in 1889 by Svante Arrhenius. What is the application of […]
Did the Phoenicians have a ruler?
Did the Phoenicians have a ruler? Phoenician kings did not commemorate their reign through sculptures or monuments. Their wealth, power, and accomplishments were usually conveyed through ornate sarcophagi, like that of Ahiram of Byblos. The Phoenicians kept records of their rulers in tomb inscriptions, which are among the few primary sources still. Who is the […]
What is the FedEx Cup payout for 2021?
What is the FedEx Cup payout for 2021? $18 million The Tour’s most lucrative cash grab—the FedEx Cup bonus pool—will lavish even more money on top players, jumping to $75 million from $60 million last season. A source with knowledge of the changes confirmed that the next FedEx Cup champion will receive $18 million. How […]
Which three types of capital does Bourdieu outline?
Which three types of capital does Bourdieu outline? Bourdieu, however, distinguishes between three forms of capital that can determine peoples’ social position: economic, social and cultural capital. What are the four kinds of capital in Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of practice? Fields cannot exist without capital. As Swartz points out, there are as many different types […]
Why did they change actors for Bilbo Baggins?
Why did they change actors for Bilbo Baggins? Old Bilbo should never have looked old. He was said to be well preserved in Chapter 1 of LOTR, “but unchanged would be nearer the mark”. Audiences expect an eleventy-one year old man to look old, so they cast an older actor. But having Martin Freeman play […]
Is contrabassoon Same as bassoon?
Is contrabassoon Same as bassoon? The Contrabassoon is the biggest instrument of the Woodwind family. The only difference is that it is double bigger than a Bassoon. It is played like the Bassoon and are made of the same materials. It produces its sound by blowing into the reed, like in the Bassoon. Is contrabassoon […]
Why do I have red itchy spots on my legs?
Why do I have red itchy spots on my legs? Occasionally, red bumps on your legs are the sign of a more serious condition. Red bumps can be caused by allergies, insect bites, and certain skin conditions….Causes of red bumps. If the red bumps… Then it might be blister and ooze a clear fluid eczema […]