Who is the strongest sumo in history?

Who is the strongest sumo in history? Hakuhō Most top division wins Name Wins 1 Hakuhō 1093 2 Kaiō 879 3 Chiyonofuji 807 4 Kitanoumi 804 Is Hakuho the best ever? Sumo wrestling’s greatest champion, Hakuho, is set to retire after more than 1,000 wins. During his career, Hakuho recorded more titles, wins and perfect […]

Can you fix chipped cast iron?

Can you fix chipped cast iron? Castaloy Cast Iron Repair You have two options for fixing a cracked pan. The first is to take the pan to a local weld shop and ask them to weld it back together for you. Once repaired, you can bring the cast iron pan back home and reseason it. […]

What is another word for sea spray?

What is another word for sea spray? What is another word for sea spray? spindrift mist vapourUK vaporUS haze moisture foam spray spritz drizzle What is the meaning of water spray? 1 : water flying in small drops or particles blown from waves or thrown up by a waterfall. What is sea spray for hair? […]

How do ANSI escape codes work?

How do ANSI escape codes work? ANSI escape sequences are a standard for in-band signaling to control cursor location, color, font styling, and other options on video text terminals and terminal emulators. The terminal interprets these sequences as commands, rather than text to display verbatim. Does Linux support ANSI? The Linux console implements a large […]

How long do you wear color therapy glasses?

How long do you wear color therapy glasses? Do not wear for prolonged periods of time. Recommended use is 10-30 minutes per day. This product can be dangerous if used improperly. Is chromotherapy real? Chromotherapy is a method of treatment that uses the visible spectrum (colors) of electromagnetic radiation to cure diseases. It is a […]

Is the 10th Mountain Division Special Forces?

Is the 10th Mountain Division Special Forces? The 10th Mountain Division Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion is an updated version of the special troops battalion of the United States Army headquartered at Fort Drum, New York. Do cav scouts see combat? Cav Scouts see combat equally as any other combat MOS that leaves the wire. Infantry […]

Which foreign country has won the most Oscars?

Which foreign country has won the most Oscars? Italy The most awarded foreign country is Italy, with 14 awards won (including three Special Awards) and 28 nominations, while France is the foreign country with the most nominations (37 for 12 wins, including three Special Awards). How many non American films have won Best Picture? Only […]

Is burnaware free DVD burner any good?

Is burnaware free DVD burner any good? BurnAware Free has such a straightforward interface with every tool classified clearly. It not only offers you the basic tool for burning, but gives you more surprises. Just like many other free DVD burners, BurnAware Free allows you to burn video, audio, image to DVD, CD, Blue-ray and […]

What is a double blind clinical trial?

What is a double blind clinical trial? A type of clinical trial in which neither the participants nor the researcher knows which treatment or intervention participants are receiving until the clinical trial is over. This makes results of the study less likely to be biased. What is blinded study in clinical trials? A blinded (or […]

What is a good sentence for alliteration?

What is a good sentence for alliteration? Alliteration is focused on the sound of a word and not the letters in the word. So for example, “k” and “c” could both be used alliteratively (cherry cookies in the kitchen). Words do not need to be directly next to each other in the sentence to be […]

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