Should I save grunt and the Rachni Queen?
If you want to save the Rachni from extinction once again, save the Queen. If you don’t want to lose Grunt’s specialized team, save them.
Does grunt survive the Rachni?
When choosing the Rachni Queen to survive, Aralakh Company is forced to stay behind to help give the Rachni Queen an escape route, buying her team to get away. While all of the members perish for this, Grunt is the only to survive, but only if you completed his loyalty mission in Mass Effect 2.
Can you get grunt and the Rachni Queen?
Similarly, if Grunt survived his stint in the ME2 suicide squad, he appears here. If not he’s replaced with another friendly Krogan ally. After fighting your way through the area where the Reapers are supposedly breeding an army of Rachni, and the defenses guarding them, you will come across a Rachni Queen.
Should I save Rachni or Aralakh company?
Rachni Queen If you leave the rachni to die, you will gain Aralakh Company as a war asset worth 25 points, but no rachni assets. If you choose to rescue the original queen from Noveria, Aralakh Company will suffer grievous losses in the holding action, reducing their strength by 25 points.
Should I release Rachni Queen?
Overall, the best decision is to save the Rachni Queen. She offers more benefits to having saved her in Mass Effect 1 than killing her. When she appears again in Mass Effect 3, and you choose to save her from the nest, she becomes a superb asset.
What happens if you save the Rachni Queen Mass Effect 3?
If she is saved, rachni workers are sent to the Crucible project, where they are prized assets for their engineering capabilities, industrious nature, and good teamwork. If Shepard did not spare the Rachni queen on Noveria, the Reapers will artificially construct a Queen thrall in order to control a rachni army.
What happens if you save the Rachni?
In Mass Effect 3, if you saved the Rachni Queen, she will be captured by the Reapers. However, unlike most other sentient beings, she is resistant to the Reaper indoctrination, and thus proves useless to them. She is kept in shackles, and you must lead an assault on the base where she is kept in order to free her.
Can grunt be saved?
As with many companions from Mass Effect 2, to keep Grunt alive in Mass Effect 3, players will need to have secured his Loyalty. If players did not complete Grunt’s Loyalty mission, there is still a way to save him in Mass Effect 3. Shepard will need to abandon the Rachni Queen or the Breeder at the end of the mission.
Can you get grunt in me3?
Grunt appears in the Attican Traverse: Krogan Team Side Mission if he survived Mass Effect 2 and you imported a save.
Can you save Benezia?
Fortunately, Benezia is on her own for the final phase, so avoid her biotic attacks and lay your own at her to bring her down: it’s time for Benezia to die. Even though she’s seen the light, she knows she can’t escape Saren’s mind control as long as he’s still alive.
What happens to rachni Queen and Grunt in Me2?
For example, if the Rachni Queen is alive, she appears. If she is not, she has been cloned by the Reapers – but the clone is slightly different, and results in a different outcome. Similarly, if Grunt survived his stint in the ME2 suicide squad , he appears here. If not he’s replaced with another friendly Krogan ally.
How do I get the rachni Queen to join the war effort?
If you enlist the help of the Rachni Queen help: the Rachni Queen will join the War Effort, with her Rachni Workers adding 100 points of War Assets to your Military Strength. However, Aralakh Company takes heavy losses in the progress, and so you don’t get that 25 points. If the Rachni Queen was killed on Noveria in ME1
What happens if you save rachni in Mass Effect 2?
So long as you completed his loyalty mission in Mass Effect 2, he’ll be able to fight his way out of the Reaper-controlled Rachni’s tunnels. He’ll then be available as a Krogan war asset and can further bolster the assets you gained from choosing to save them.
Why is Grunt so dangerous?
Lacking a proper krogan upbringing, Grunt is both violent and highly unpredictable. He often becomes impatient and charges recklessly into the midst of his foes, (unlike more disciplined krogan fighters like Urdnot Wrex) without Shepard’s orders.