Was Dr Who in Star Trek?

Was Dr Who in Star Trek?

In 2012, two of those incarnations, the Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith) and the Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker), met two different crews of the Enterprise as part of the only licensed Star Trek crossover to date, “Assimilation².” Doctor Who debuted on the BBC on 23 November 1963 and originally ran until 1989.

Did Doctor Who inspire Star Trek?

‘ is cited as being one of the story’s inspirations on the official DVD release – and indeed, it’s the first Doctor Who adventure in history to be obviously influenced by the Star Trek universe.

Where is Marina Sirtis now?

The actress, who now lives in Twickenham, says she hasn’t regretted coming back to London for a “nanosecond”.

Which is older Star Wars or Doctor Who?

There’s a lot to love about both franchises, but some might not know how closely the two franchises have intertwined from the beginning. Doctor Who began in its historic run in 1963, close to fifteen years before Star Wars would ever hit the big screen.

Is there a Dalek in Star Wars?

A Dalek made a cameo appearance in the Star Wars comic strip Fett Club. Skaro, Delta Magna and Cygnus are also mentioned in the fan-produced unofficial Star Wars reference guide Book of Imperial Shuttle Plans: Cygnus Spaceworks.

Are Daleks in Star Wars?

Behind the Scenes. The Daleks are a fictional race from the Science-Fiction program Doctor Who. This invasion is an alternate timeline of the regular Star Wars universe following Dalek interference in Multiversal Physics.

Did Star Trek ever reference doctor who in any episodes?

Star Trek has referenced Doctor Who on a few occasions. In TNG: ” The Naked Now “, Riker asks for a sonic driver to open a force field, a reference to the sonic screwdriver used by the Doctor to open doors and force fields throughout the Doctor Who franchise.

What do you call someone who watches doctor who?

Much as Star Trek fans are known as “Trekkies”, some Doctor Who fans have dubbed themselves “Whovians”. Star Trek has referenced Doctor Who on a few occasions.

Who is Eric Alba from doctor who?

Eric Alba, who worked as a visual effects associate on Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and Star Trek: Voyager under the name Frederick G. Alba, was the visual effects supervisor for the Doctor Who TV movie.

Is there a holographic version of the 4th Doctor?

In the Star Trek novel My Enemy, My Ally by Diane Duane, characters watch a Doctor Who episode featuring the Fourth Doctor which has been adapted as a holographic program .

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