What age does a child need a cinema ticket?

What age does a child need a cinema ticket?

Usually little ones under two years old get in for free. But if your baby enjoys the entertainment from their own seat, you’ll be asked to buy a Child ticket.

Are cineworld doing movies for juniors?

Want to introduce your children to the exciting world of cinema? Then get involved with Movies For Juniors, our discounted weekly screenings of kids films at Cineworld Cinemas. Adults must be accompanied by children.

What is child age at Cineworld?

Conversation. What age does a child ticket go up to? Hi James, A child ticket is for customers aged up to 14. If you’re aged 15-17 you can buy a student ticket (though you may be asked for proof of age) and anyone 18 or over is an adult ticket.

Can a 3 year old go to the cinema?

Lots of kids see their first movie around the age of 3 or 4, but some parents wait until kids are a bit older, especially if they’re sensitive to loud noises or scared of the dark. Choose the right movie.

Can I take a 7 year old to a 12A?

Films classified 12A and video works classified 12 contain material that is not generally suitable for children aged under 12. No one younger than 12 may see a 12A film in a cinema unless accompanied by an adult.

Can a 14 year old watch a 15 film?

A PG film should not unsettle a child aged around eight or older. Unaccompanied children of any age may watch, but parents are advised to consider whether the content may upset younger, or more sensitive, children. Anyone under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. No one younger than 15 may see a 15 film in a cinema.

Can a 4 year old sit through a movie?

Determine whether your kid is really ready. Well, it depends on your kid. Lots of kids see their first movie around the age of 3 or 4, but some parents wait until kids are a bit older, especially if they’re sensitive to loud noises or scared of the dark.

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