What animals went extinct in India?
Recent Extinctions: Indian aurochs (Bos primigenius namadicus) Pink-headed duck (now found only in Myanmar) Sunderban dwarf rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus inermis)…Prehistoric Extinctions:
- Asian straight-tusked elephant (Palaeoloxodon namadicus)
- Stegodon.
- Bharattherium.
- Sivatherium.
- Bramatherium.
- Megalochelys atlas.
Which is extinct from Indian subcontinent?
namadicus, S. namadicus, Hexaprotodon sp., and Equus namadicus) go extinct in India, and as a consequence, globally since they were only found in India. Bos namadicus represents a pseudo-extinction because this species was domesticated in India as Bos indicus, the living zebu cattle.
How many animals have gone extinct in India?
Four species of fauna and 18 species of flora have gone extinct in India in the past few centuries, according to wildlife survey organisations. The data was tabled earlier this month in the Lok Sabha by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change.
Is Tiger extinct in India?
100 years ago it was easy to see the tiger in its natural habitat – around 100,000 of them roamed across Asia, including several sub-species that are now extinct. Today the number of tigers in the wild is about 3,000 and if this trend continues, tigers may cease to exist.
Which animal is only found in India?
Endangered and Endemic species of wild animals found only in India are Asiatic Lion in Gir Forest National Park,Sangai deer at Keibul Lamjao National Park, Nilgiri Tahr and Lion Tailed Macaque at Western Ghats of India.
Which reptile found in the Indian subcontinent may soon become extinct?
The Indian Pangolin as well as the Chinese Pangolin are both protected under Schedule I of the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 and the Indian Pangolin lists as “Endangered” and the Chinese Pangolin is now listed as “Critically endangered” by the IUCN Red List.
Which mammal is extinct in India?
As of now, the Asiatic cheetah is extinct in India and has been for 70 years with the last wild one being hunted to death for sport.
What is the most extinct animal in India?
This is a list of extinct animals of India. Bharattherium. Exaeretodon. Gigantopithecus. Hyperodapedon. Indian aurochs (Bos primigenius namadicus) Sivatherium. Pink-headed duck.
When did the Indian Auroch go extinct?
The Indian Aurochs are a subspecies of aurochs who are also extinct. They are known to have disappeared from India in about 13th century AD. Their skeleton remains from around 1800 BC were found in the state of Uttar Pradesh in India.
How many species of animals are endangered in India?
There are 133 species of wild animals, birds and reptiles as either rare or highly endangered, over 10 per cent of India’s flora have extinct such as Sumatran rhinoceros and pink-headed duck. Indian Aurochs are extinct aurochs and ancestor of the zebu cattle,disappeared in the Holocene probably around 2000 BC.
When did the Cheetah disappear from India?
They are known to have disappeared from India in about 13th century AD. Their skeleton remains from around 1800 BC were found in the state of Uttar Pradesh in India. The Indian Cheetah is also labeled as a critically endangered species in India.