What are Hematogones in bone marrow?

What are Hematogones in bone marrow?

Hematogones (HGs) comprise a B-lineage lymphoid precursor cell population in the bone marrow (BM) that may simulate acute lymphoblastic leukemia or lymphoma. Increased numbers of HGs have been noted in children, but few reports describe their occurrence in adults.

Are Hematogones CD34 positive?

Flow Diagnosis Hematogones are caraterized by very low side scatter (SSC) and dimmer expression of CD45 when compared to lymphocytes. They have variable (‘smeared’) expression of CD20; are positive for CD10 and partially for CD34 (B).

What is MRD in leukemia?

y Minimal residual disease (MRD) is a term used to describe the small number of cancer cells in the body after cancer treatment. An MRD positive test result means that disease was still detected after treatment. An MRD negative result means that no disease was detected after treatment.

What is CD10 a marker for?

CD10 is a sensitive and diagnostically useful immunohistochemical marker of normal endometrial stroma and of endometrial stromal neoplasms.

How is MRD treated?

Treatments which specifically target MRD can include:

  1. intensive conventional treatment with more drugs, or a different combination of drugs.
  2. stem cell transplant, e.g. marrow transplant.
  3. immunotherapy.
  4. monitoring the patient carefully for early signs of relapse.

What are CD10 cells?

Identified in common acute lymphoblastic leukemia as a cancer specific antigen, CD10 is a cell surface ectoenzyme widely expressed on different types of cells. Earlier, it was used only as a cell surface marker to identify and differentiate between haematological malignancies.

What cells are CD10-positive?

Among hematopoietic cells, CD10 expression is found in granulocytes and in B and T lymphocytes at particular stages of maturation. CD10 expression within the B-cell lineage has been very well characterized. Benign CD10+ B cells include B lymphoblasts as well as mature germinal center B cells (1, 18).

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