What are hypotonic contractions?

What are hypotonic contractions?

Hypotonic labor is an abnormal labor pattern, notable especially during the active phase of labor, characterized by poor and inadequate uterine contractions that are ineffective to cause cervical dilation, effacement, and fetal descent, leading to a prolonged or protracted delivery.

What is hypertonic inertia?

HYPERTONIC UTERINE INERTIA (Uncoordinated Uterine Action) Types. Colicky uterus: incoordination of the different parts of the uterus in contractions. Hyperactive lower uterine segment: so the dominance of the upper segment is lost.

What do for hypertonic uterine dysfunction?

Hypertonic uterine dysfunction is difficult to treat, but repositioning, short-acting tocolytics (eg, terbutaline 0.25 mg IV once), discontinuation of oxytocin if it is being used, and analgesics may help.

What causes hypertonic uterine dysfunction?

Inappropriately high concentrations of oxytocin can cause uterine hypertonus, when the uterus does not relax between contractions, and fetal distress can occur.

What causes hypotonic labor?

Hypotonic contractions occur as a result of fetopelvic disproportion, fetal malposition, overstretching of the uterus caused by a large newborn, multifetal gestation, or excessive maternal anxiety. The woman with hypotonic contractions can become exhausted and dehydrated.

What is hypotonic and hypertonic uterine contractions?

Dysfunctional labor can result from abnormal uterine contractions that prevent normal progress of cervical dilation, effacement, and descent of the presenting part. It can be further described as being primary (hypertonic dysfunction) or secondary (hypotonic dysfunction).

What is contraction ring?

A contraction ring is a spasmodic contraction of the lower portion of the uterus which usually occurs during the first phase of labour, but persists into the second stage. The ring then contracts round the child’s neck and prevents the child descending, thus delaying and preventing delivery.

How is hypotonic labor treated?

Hypotonic labor is a dysfunction in the propulsive power of the uterus that presents as an abnormal labor pattern resulting in prolonged or protracted delivery, which is a common indication for primary cesarean section. Management options include supportive measures, medical treatment, and surgical interventions.

What is a precipitate Labour?

Precipitous labor is extremely rapid labor and delivery. It is defined as expulsion of the fetus within less than 3 h of commencement of regular contractions [1].

How common is precipitate Labour?

Precipitate labour is the medical term for fast labour. Your labour will be described as precipitate if your baby is born within three hours of your contractions starting (NCCWCH 2008, Sheiner et al 2004). About two in 100 women whose labours have started naturally will have a fast, or precipitate, labour .

What is hourglass contraction?

(ow-er-glahs) constriction of an organ at its centre as a result of abnormal muscular contraction. Hourglass contraction may be a complication of labour, tending to trap the placenta in the upper part of the constricted uterus and possibly leading to excessive blood loss after delivery.

What is hyperhypertonic labor?

hypertonic labor. A condition in which frequent, painful, but poor-quality contractions fail to accomplish effective cervical effacement and dilation. Hypertonicity usually occurs in the latent phase of labor and most often is related to fetal malpresentation and cephalopelvic disproportion. See also: labor.

What are hypertonic contractions and why are they dangerous?

Hypertonic contractions tend to occur more frequently and during the latent phase of labor. They are more painful than usual, and they make the woman frustrated with her breathing techniques because they are ineffective. The lack of relaxation between contractions may not allow optimal uterine artery filling that could lead to fetal anoxia.

What is the difference between hypotonic and active phase of Labor?

In the active phase, uterine contractions are expected to occur at frequent intervals, increasing the intensity and duration of each contraction. These are deranged in hypotonic labor.

How do you treat prolonged latent phase of Labor?

Prolonged latent phase can be managed through helping the uterus to rest, providing adequate fluid for hydration and pain relief. Oxytocin is prescribed during a protracted active phase to augment labor.

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