What are initiation rites psychology?
initiation rites. ceremonies or rituals in which an individual is admitted to new status or accepted into a new position. puberty. sexual maturation; the end of childhood and the point when reproduction is first possible.
Why are initiation rites important psychology?
Initiation rites among nonliterate societies both expose and establish the world view of the participants. The initiate learns the eternal order of life as proclaimed in the myth. Life is viewed essentially as the work of supernatural beings, and the initiate in this ritual is…
What is Rites of Passage in South Africa?
The five rites are birth, adulthood, marriage, eldership, and ancestorship. Each of these rites are a key component that are a part of traditional African cultures.
Why are initiation rituals important?
These ceremonies provide structures for instruction in traditional knowledge, but, more important, they reintegrate an individual into kin, community, and cosmos when new status is attained. Ceremonial initiation into adulthood is widely practiced among South American peoples, for both males and females.
What is initiation biotechnology?
Initiation is also the first step in the process of gene transcription, the process of transcribing or making a copy of genetic information stored in a DNA strand into a complementary strand of mRNA.
What is the main purpose of initiation ceremonies?
What is the difference between initiation and a rite of passage?
A rite of passage is a particular type of ritual, conducted to mark an important transition in somebody’s life. These rituals most commonly follow people from the cradle to the grave. An initiation transforms a person from their current state to a new one.
What are African initiation rites?
There are five major African initiation rites which are fundamental to human growth and development. These rites were originally established by African ancestors while they were living in order to link the individual to the community and the community to the broader and more potent spiritual world.
What is the rite of Ancestorship?
The last of the five major rites is the Rite of Ancestorship, which concerns passing over into the spirit world. This final initiation rite is an extension of the elder/older distinction because the status that a person has in life is the same statusthat they bring with them when they pass on.
What is the process of initiation?
The process of initiation concerns undergoing a fundamental set of rites to start a new phase or beginning in life. It marks the passing from one phase in life to the next more mature phase. Initiation fundamentally has to do with transformation, and has been a central component of traditional African cultures since time immemorial.
What are adulthood rites and why are they important?
Adulthood rites are usually done at the onset puberty age (around 12-13 years of age in many cultures) and they are to ensure the shaping of productive, community-oriented responsible adults.