What are the 12 months in Italian?

What are the 12 months in Italian?

Months of the year in Italian

  • gennaio. January.
  • febbraio. February.
  • marzo. March.
  • aprile. April.
  • maggio. May.
  • giugno. June.
  • luglio. July.
  • agosto. August.

How do you say goodnight in Italian?

If you want to say “good night” in Italian, you would say “buona notte.” Slightly earlier in the day, during the evening hours, you might choose to say, “buona sera” (good evening). By the way, both expressions work for not only hellos, but goodbyes too.

How do you say Monday to Sunday in Italian?

You might also need to know how to say the following: Oggi (ohj-jee) (today)…In This Article.

Italian/Abbreviation Pronunciation Translation
domenica/do. doh-meh-nee-kah Sunday
lunedì/lun. looh-neh-dee Monday
martedì/mar. mahr-teh-dee Tuesday
mercoledì/mer. mehr-koh-leh-dee Wednesday

How do you say the days of the week in Italian?

Days of the week in Italian

  1. Che giorno è oggi? What day is it today?
  2. lunedì Monday.
  3. martedì Tuesday.
  4. mercoledì Wednesday.
  5. giovedì Thursday.
  6. venerdì Friday.
  7. sabato. Saturday.
  8. domenica. Sunday.

What language is Giu?

Translation of giu from Italian into English.

What language is Dom for Sunday?

The days of the week in Spanish

English Spanish
Thursday jueves
Friday viernes
Saturday sábado
Sunday domingo

What language is lunedi?

Every Monday (lunedi’) I will offer a short lesson in Italian. Italian is a phonetic language, meaning you pronounce the letters as you see them.

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