What are the 5 examples of proper nouns?
10 examples of proper noun
- Human noun: John, Carry, Todd, Jenica, Melissa etc.
- Institution, establishment, institution, authority, university nouns: Saint John High School, Health Association, British Language Institute, Oxford University, New York Governorship etc.
What are 10 common nouns examples?
Examples of a Common Noun
- People: mother, father, baby, child, toddler, teenager, grandmother, student, teacher, minister, businessperson, salesclerk, woman, man.
- Animals: lion, tiger, bear, dog, cat, alligator, cricket, bird, wolf.
- Things: table, truck, book, pencil, iPad, computer, coat, boots,
Is cat a proper noun?
A common noun is a noun that represents a class of things. Example: Maria’s cat is named Boo Kitty. In this example, “Maria” and “Boo Kitty” are proper nouns because they represent a unique entity. Cat is a common noun because it represents a class of animal.
What is a proper noun for Kids?
Kids Definition of proper noun : a noun that names a particular person, place, or thing “Tom,” “Chicago,” and “Friday” are proper nouns.
Is Apple a proper noun?
The noun ”apple” is a common noun, not a proper noun. The names of fruits are all common nouns and are not capitalized.
What are some nouns that begin with the letter ‘U’?
Udder – a baglike organ containing two or more glands,like teats on a cow
What are some verbs that start with U?
Verbs that start with u. unbalanced, unbent, unbound, unbridled, unburdened, uncap, unclasping, unclenched, uncoiling, uncorked, uncover, uncovered, uncurled, underestimate, underestimated, undergo, undergoes, undergoing, undergone, underlay, underlie, underlies, underline, underlined, underlining, underlying, undermine, undermined, undermining,…
What are negative words that start with U?
What are some positive words that start with U?