What are the essential elements in an infant and toddler curriculum?
While responses, activities, structure, routines, materials, greetings and family support are all components of infant-toddler care, the how is at the heart of the process.
What is important when choosing materials for infants and toddlers?
It is important to remember that materials enhance, and do not replace, the interactions between infants and toddlers and adults. By closely observing infants and toddlers, you can consciously select materials that match each child’s interests, support individual development, and enhance relationships.
What do you need for a toddler classroom?
10 Preschool Classroom Must-Haves
- Rest Mats and Floor Cushions. Whether it is naptime, story time, or playtime, preschoolers love to be comfortable on the floor.
- Blocks and Puzzles.
- Dramatic Play Area.
- Reading Nook.
- Tables and Chairs.
- Art Supplies.
- Music Center.
- Manipulatives.
What is an infant toddler curriculum?
The infant and toddler curriculum is designed to meet the unique and individual needs of the infants and toddlers we serve. The components of a quality infant/toddler curriculum are based on: Close, caring relationships with a primary caregiver. Predictable routines and environments.
What makes a quality infant toddler Program?
The quality in infant-toddler programs is measured by examining structural variables, such as space, number of babies per caregiver, or group size, and by examining process variables, such as the richness of “turn-taking-talk” and the amount of warmth and cuddling between caregivers and babies.
What are 2 things you should take into consideration when choosing toys or materials for classroom?
To decide on the best toys for a specific child care program or classroom, ask yourself the following questions:
- How old are the children?
- What are the children most interested in right now?
- What are the children learning?
- How can I support children’s development in different areas?
What makes learning materials developmentally appropriate?
Because children develop at different rates, choosing developmentally appropriate materials means you should have a range of toys available that can accommodate differences between individual children’s skills, interests and characteristics. Materials can encourage children to play with others, take turns and share.
What do you need in a infant classroom?
Infant & Toddler
- Furniture. Cribs & Accessories. Sand & Water Tables. Soft Surroundings. Cots & Mats.
- Development. Social. Cognitive.
- Care. Bibs & Feeding. Rattles & Teethers.
- Curriculum, Assessment, & Resources. Resource Books. Family Engagement. DECA-I/T. Learn Every Day: Infants and Toddlers.
What is a curriculum for infants and toddlers?
The Creative CurriculumĀ® for Infants, Toddlers & Twos is a comprehensive, research- based curriculum that helps teachers and caregivers understand developmentally appropriate practice and how to offer nurturing daily routines and meaningful experiences that meet children’s strengths, interests, and needs.