What are the IFAC Code of Ethics?

What are the IFAC Code of Ethics?

A professional accountant should not allow bias, conflict of interest or undue influence of others. Professional Competence and Due Care. A professional accountant should act diligently and in accordance with applicable technical and professional standards when providing professional services. Confidentiality.

What is international code of ethics?

This Code of Ethics represents an attempt to translate in terms of professional conduct the values and ethical principles in occupational health. It is intended to guide all those who carry out occupational health activities and to set a reference level on the basis of which their performance can be assessed.

What are the main objectives of IFAC?

The primary objectives of IFAC are: • Serving the Public Interest—IFAC provides leadership to the worldwide accountancy profession in serving the public interest by: developing, promoting and maintaining global professional standards and a Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants of a consistently high quality; …

What professions have code of ethics?

Most professions have an ethical codes in which they must follow. Those codes often signifies or states what they hold most dear. For example, CPAs and doctors each have a code of ethics that reflect each of their professions values and principles.

Does artificial intelligence need Code of ethics?

Although a formal code is only part of what’s needed for the development of ethical AI, Boddington hopes that this discussion will eventually produce a code of AI research ethics. With a robust code, researchers will be better equipped to guide artificial intelligence in a beneficial direction.

What is the meaning of the Code of ethics?

A code of ethics is a guide of principles designed to help professionals conduct business honestly and with integrity.

What are the five principles of ethics?

There are five general principles in the 2002 APA ethics code designed to “guide and inspire psychologists toward the very highest ethical ideals of the profession.” These principles include beneficence and nonmaleficence (i.e., benefit people and do no harm); fidelity and responsibility; and integrity, justice, and respect for people’s rights and

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