What are the requirements for businesses to stay open during COVID-19 pandemic?

What are the requirements for businesses to stay open during COVID-19 pandemic?

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Are elderly people more likely to experience serious complications of COVID-19?

Elderly people and those with underlying health conditions are much more likely to develop serious complications. Anyone who is suspected of having COVID-19, with a new continuous cough or high temperature, should not visit care homes or people receiving home care, and should self-isolate at home.

Are smokers at a greater risk to COVID-19?

People who smoke generally have an increased risk of contracting respiratory infection and of more severe symptoms once infected. Coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms may therefore be more severe for smokers.

What are the dangers of smoking my waterpipe during the coronavirus disease pandemic?

The main ingredient used in waterpipe is tobacco, and its use has both acute and long-term harmful effects on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems [24] [25], likely increasing the risk of diseases including coronary artery disease and COPD [26].The communal nature of waterpipe smoking means that a single mouthpiece and hose are often shared between users, especially in social settings [27]. In addition, the waterpipe apparatus (including the hose and chamber) itself may provide an environment that promotes the survival of microorganisms outside the body.

Under what conditions does COVID-19 spread easily?

Any situation in which people are in close proximity to one another for long periods of time increases the risk of transmission. Indoor locations, especially settings where there is poor or no ventilation, are riskier than outdoor locations.Transmission can occur more easily in the “Three C’s”:• Crowded places with many people nearby;• Close-contact settings, especially where people have conversations very near each other;• Confined and enclosed spaces with poor ventilation. The risk of COVID-19 spreading is higher in places where these “3Cs” overlap.

Does the vaccine prevent Covid?

The current vaccines are highly effective at preventing people from getting seriously sick with COVID-19..

Can people with non-urgent needs of COVID-19 treatment be cared for at home?

All people admitted to hospital to receive care will be tested for COVID-19, and hospitals should share care needs and COVID status with relevant community partners planning the subsequent community care.Some people with non-urgent needs, who do not meet the clinical criteria to reside in hospital, will be discharged home for their recovery period. All individuals can be safely cared for at home by home care or supported living care providers, regardless of their COVID status, if the guidance on use of PPE is correctly followed.

Does obesity put me at high risk for COVID-19?

Living with excess weight puts people at greater risk of serious illness or death from COVID-19, with risk growing substantially as body mass index (BMI) increases. Nearly 8% of critically ill patients with COVID-19 in intensive care units have been morbidly obese, compared with 2.9% of the general population.

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