What are the Rocket League ranks names?

What are the Rocket League ranks names?

Rocket League Ranks List

  • Unranked.
  • Bronze.
  • Silver.
  • Gold.
  • Platinum.
  • Diamond.
  • Champion.
  • Grand Champion.

What was the OG name for Rocket League?

Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars, also known as “SARPBC” or “Battle-Cars,” is a battle-themed arena game that involves car racing and the game of soccer, created by Psyonix and released on 2008-10-09 for the PlayStation 3. It is the predecessor to Rocket League.

What is the best rank in Rocket League?

These are the Rocket League ranks: However, Grand Champion has been knocked into second place and divided into three sub tiers, with Supersonic Legend now being the ultimate accolade for competitive Rocket League players.

How many ranks are in Rocket League?

There are a total of seven ranked tiers in Rocket League Sideswipe. Each rank is divided into five divisions and players will get to move up or down to these divisions by winning or losing matches.

How do you get supersonic legend?

So how can you reach Supersonic Legend? Simply put, you are going to need to eat, sleep, and breathe Rocket League. Essentially all of the people who occupy a spot in this rank have put in thousands of hours of playing Rocket League and simply are the best at the game.

What is rank in free fire?

Regulars at Free Fire will be familiar with the game’s seven tiers for ranked battle royale players – Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Heroic, and Grandmaster.

Who is the oldest Rocket League player?


ID Age
CorruptedG 26
Arch 26
PaLeRider 26
Gaspow 26

How many supersonic legends are there?

Rocket League Ranks

Tier / Players Tracked Division I Division III
Supersonic Legend 2,447 players (0.07%) 1,341 — 1,660
Grand Champion III 2,526 players (0.07%) 1,283 — 1,299 1,318 — 1,334
Grand Champion II 3,981 players (0.11%) 1,228 — 1,238 1,259 — 1,275
Grand Champion I 7,992 players (0.22%) 1,167 — 1,178 1,199 — 1,212

Is platinum a good rank Rocket League?

Platinum is well-known for being the most toxic rank in Rocket League for that exact reason. People get good at aerialing but can’t rotate or make consistent contact and think they are the next pro, only being held back by their teammates. As long as you are in Platinum, you are there for a reason.

How do you rank up in RL?

How to rank up to Champ in Rocket League

  1. Dribble using the top of the car. Dribbling (and subsequently flicking) with the ball on top of your car is absolutely a crucial skill.
  2. Defend off the back wall. One consistent thing you will see in every RLCS match is great back-wall defense.
  3. Get your aim locked in.

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