What are the routes of exposure for bleach?
Routes of Exposure Poisonous vapor (chlorine gas) is corrosive to respiratory passages and may cause irritation of mouth, nose, and throat. If ingested sodium hypochlorite is poisonous, causes burns, abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, lowered blood pressure, diarrhea, shock, and coma.
What happens if we inhale sodium hypochlorite?
Inhalation of chlorine gas causes burning of the throat and lungs, eye and nose irritation, chest tightness and coughing. At higher levels of exposure, tachypnoea, cyanosis and swelling of the airway may occur.
What do you do if you smell too much bleach?
Chlorine poisoning is a medical emergency. If a person swallows or inhales a chlorine-based product and shows symptoms of poisoning, contact the emergency services or go to the hospital immediately. In the United States, a person can also contact the National Poison Control helpline on 1-800-222-1222 for advice.
What is the SDS for routes of exposure and symptoms?
The required information consists of: Information on the likely routes of exposure (inhalation, ingestion, skin and eye contact). The SDS should indicate if the information is unknown. Description of the delayed, immediate, or chronic effects from short- and long-term exposure.
What is the hazard classification for liquid bleach?
HAZARDOUS CHEMICAL. NON-DANGEROUS GOODS. According to the WHS Regulations and the ADG Code. H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage.
How do you treat a chemical inhalation?
Many treatments are possible, including the following:
- IV fluids.
- Oxygen by mask or tube.
- Breathing treatment with medicine to open breathing tubes.
- Steroid medications by IV or mouth.
- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs by mouth.
- Pain medications by IV or mouth.
- Artificial ventilation (help breathing)
What is the antidote for sodium hypochlorite?
There is no specific antidote for hypochlorite poisoning. Treatment is supportive.
Can breathing bleach cause chest pain?
Chest tightness. Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath. Thesemay appear immediately if high concentrations of chlorine gas are inhaled, or they may be delayed if low concentrations of chlorine gas are inhaled.