What are the top 3 characteristics of a high performing school?

What are the top 3 characteristics of a high performing school?

The original nine characteristics associated with high-performing schools included 1) a clear and shared focus, 2) high standards and expectations for all students, 3) effective school leadership, 4) high levels of collaboration and communication, 5) curriculum, instruction and assessments aligned with state standards.

What are the characteristics of high performing students?

So here we’ll take a look at 8 key traits that contribute to student excellence.

  • Independence. Successful students understand that their teachers and instructors are facilitators of their own learning journey.
  • Curiosity.
  • Optimism.
  • Persistence.
  • Personal Growth.
  • Resilience.
  • E-Literacy.
  • Trained Cognitive Abilities.

What are some of the characteristics of schools that are found to have great impacts on the educational outcomes of students?

Positive school environment, high academic expectations, strong instructional leadership and cultural diversity were chosen as important characteristics of an effective international school.

What is a high performing schools?

The research was designed to explore the characteristics of high performing schools serving deprived communities. ‘High performing’ (HP) was defined as those schools where the number of students achieving at least expected progress in English and mathematics was above national average.

What are the characteristics of child friendly school?

There are two primary characteristics of a child-friendly school:

  • This school is child-seeking.
  • This school is child-centered.
  • The school is inclusive.
  • The school is effective for gaining knowledge.
  • The school is healthy and protects the students.
  • The institution is gender-sensitive.

What are characteristics of education?


  • Pervasive accessibility. Learning will be always available to everyone at all times, at work, home and everywhere spend time.
  • Personalised journeys. Everyone learns differently.
  • Real world relevance.
  • Immersive experience.
  • Augmented teachers.
  • Peer learning.

What are some qualities or characteristics that successful students will need in order to do well in high school?

Characteristics of Successful Students

  • Own Your Experience. You are ultimately the only one responsible for your time here.
  • Find Your Why.
  • Manage Yourself.
  • Be Interdependent.
  • Have Self-Awareness.
  • Believe in Life-Long Learning.
  • Have High EQ (Emotional Intelligence).
  • Believe in Yourself.

What makes the highest performing students successful?

What Makes a Successful Student?

  • Become a Goal-Setter — High-performing students understand the simple, but very powerful habit of goal-setting.
  • Have a Strategic Action Plan — Successful students are strategic and have a specific plan of action that is thoughtful, direction-oriented, and purposeful.

What are the 13 possible characteristics for cultural improvement in schools?

There are thirteen possible characteristics identified by Phillips and Wagner for cultural improvement in schools collegiality (the way adults treat each other;) efficacy (the feeling of ownership or capacity to influence decisions;) high expectations (excellence is acknowledged; improvement is celebrated;) experimen- …

Which of the following characteristics affect learning outcome?

Therefore, the characteristics of the learner affect learning outcomes are Prior knowledge, Developmental factors, Abilities, Learning styles, and Ethnicity.

What are the characteristics of successful school management?

The most important and the best characteristic of a successful school is listed below:

  • Clear And Shared Focus On Tasks.
  • High standards and expectations for all students.
  • Effective School Leadership.
  • High levels of collaboration and communication.
  • Curriculum, instruction, and assessments aligned with state standards.

What makes high-performing school systems different?

Top-performing school systems set ambitious goals, are clear about what students should be able to do, and enable teachers to figure out what they need to teach their students. They have moved on from administrative control and accountability to professional forms of work organisation.

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