What area does NHS Borders cover?

What area does NHS Borders cover?

4,732 square kilometres
NHS Borders is one of the fourteen health boards within NHS Scotland. It provides healthcare services for the Scottish Borders, the south east region of Scotland. NHS Borders is headquartered in Melrose….

NHS Borders
Area size 4,732 square kilometres
Population 110,200

When did General Hospital borders open?

Borders General Hospital/Opened

How big are borders GH?

Borders General Hospital, Melrose, serves the Scottish Borders region. It contains 273 staffed beds and has a full range of healthcare specialties.

Who opened the Borders General Hospital?

The South-East Regional Hospital Board approved plans for a new 375-bed hospital at the Huntlyburn site in 1986. The new hospital was designed by Reiach & Hall and built by John Laing & Son and was officially opened by the Queen in 1988.

What health board is Dunfermline?

Fife Health Board
Fife Health Board covers a population of over 350,000 across 7 locality boundaries: North East Fife, Glenrothes, Kirkcaldy, Levenmouth, City of Dunfermline, South West Fife and Cowdenbeath.

How many beds does Borders General Hospital have?

Borders General Hospital/Number of beds

How old is the BGH?

The BGH School of Nursing had their first class graduates in 1895. There were five nurses. The classes became larger as years went by; some having as many as 40 in a class.

Which health board is East Kilbride in?

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.

What health board does St Andrews fall under?

Welcome to St Andrews Health Centre. We are part of Bromley by Bow Health and we are committed to creating healthy communities.

When did Melrose bypass open?

After years of campaigning, Margaret, along with Councillors past and present, witnessed the opening of the £52 million bypass by the Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne on November 19th, 2010.

Who owns Belleville General Hospital?

In 1963, under the Belleville General Hospital Act, joint ownership between the City of Belleville and the County of Hastings was set up. The management, operation and maintenance of the hospital was entrusted to a newly-created Corporation called “The Board of Governors of the Belleville General Hospital”.

How many beds does Borders General hospital have?

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