What cards can stop Exodia?

What cards can stop Exodia?

If they’re playing Trap Stall Exodia, Royal Decree and Trap Stun will kill them. When they’re relying on Battle Fader or Swift Scarecrow to block attacks, negate them with Solemn Strike, etc, or prevent them from activating entirely with a card like Utopia the Lightning, Armades, or Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon.

Why is Exodia an instant win?

The effect of “Exodia” makes it one of the most godlike monsters in Duel Monsters; unlike most monsters, “Exodia” doesn’t rely on ATK and DEF, instead causing an immediate victory when all five cards are assembled in the hand.

What happens if you summon Exodia?

When you draw the fifth piece of “Exodia the Forbidden One”, you win the Duel as soon as all five pieces are in your hand. Your opponent cannot activate “Drop Off” in response, since the Duel has already been won.

What is Exodia based off of?

Over on Instagram, the user cardventure felt it was time to educate fans both new and old on Exodia. The character has a vibrant in-game history thanks to its legendary status, but it turns out the card was inspired by actual Grecian mythology.

Is Exodia the strongest card?

Short answer: No. Long answer: Exodia isn’t even a god card. Exodia was introduced on either the first or second (can’t remember exactly) episode of Yugioh. The Egyptian God cards weren’t introduced until the second season of Yugioh, well after Exodia was established as a supremely powerful card.

Can u negate Exodia?

Exodia doesn’t activate or have an ignition, you cannot stop Exodia’s effect as it is a condition and just happens. Your opponent reveals all 5 pieces and wins.

Who wins if both players draw Exodia?

If both players have all five pieces of “Exodia the Forbidden One” in their hands at the start of the Duel, then the Duel ends in a DRAW.

How do you win the duel with Exodia the forbidden one?

For the character, see Exodia the Forbidden One (character). For other uses, see Exodia (disambiguation). If you have ” Right Leg of the Forbidden One “, ” Left Leg of the Forbidden One “, ” Right Arm of the Forbidden One ” and ” Left Arm of the Forbidden One ” in addition to this card in your hand, you win the Duel.

How do you declare an automatic victory in Yu-Gi-Oh?

An automatic victory can be declared by the player whose hand contains this card together with the Left Leg/Right Leg/Left Arm/Right Arm of the Forbidden One. March 19, 2002DDS-003 Yu-Gi-Oh!

Is Exodia a forbidden card in the TCG?

As its English name contains “Forbidden”, it may be treated a member of the “Forbidden” archetype at a TCG event, subject to local rulings. This article is about the card. For the character, see Exodia the Forbidden One (character).

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