What caused the fall of Athens?

What caused the fall of Athens?

Three major causes of the rise and fall of Athens were its democracy, its leadership, and its arrogance. The democracy produced many great leaders, but unfortunately, also many bad leaders. Their arrogance was a result of great leadership in the Persian Wars, and it led to the end of Athenian power in Greece.

Who is Camp What are the strengths and weaknesses?

Camp is a professor at Randolph-Macon College. The strengths of this document it that he shows how Athens was a democracy. But the weakness is that there is no evidence to back it up.

Why is the US Congress bicameral?

By dividing power within the legislative branch, bicameralism helps prevent the legislative branch from having too much power—a kind of intrabranch check. Within the legislative body, bicameralism has historically functioned to balance the power of different social classes or groups within a society.

How can all the citizens participate in the decision-making process of the government?

The Parliament is made up of all these representatives. These representatives are known as Members of the Parliament. One group, from among these elected representatives forms the government. It is through these representatives that the citizens take part in the decision-making of the government.

What is participation in decision making?

Participation is a process in which decision making, problem solving, action planning, or similar activities are shared and performed jointly by hierarchical superiors and their subordinates. Participation does not always motivate, and the lack of it does not always demotivate.

What is a parliament Class 9?

The Parliament is a national assembly of elected representatives. The Indian Parliament consists of two Houses – the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. At the state level it is the Legislature or Legislative Assembly. The Parliament has authority to make laws for the countr…

Who had citizenship in ancient Rome?

A child born of a legitimate union between citizen father and mother would acquire citizenship at birth. In theory, freeborn Roman women were regarded as Roman citizens; in practice, however, they could not hold office or vote, activities considered key aspects of citizenship.

How many US states are bicameral?

49 U.S. states

Is Athens better than Rome?

Athens has the Acropolis and the Plaka and a really nice museum, but other than that it’s a big modern city. Rome has many different walking areas and it’s easier to slow down and savor the Italian way of life there. Athens is very polluted. Not that Rome is very clean, but it is a lot better than Athens.

How can you be an active citizen?

Be an active citizen

  1. Join your local community forum. By joining or attending your local community forum, you can:
  2. Volunteer. Volunteers give their time freely to support their communities.
  3. Support a local voluntary organisation.
  4. Community hubs.
  5. Patient participation groups.
  6. Take part in a consultation.
  7. How we get involved with communities.

What is the basic idea of a democracy?

According to American political scientist Larry Diamond, democracy consists of four key elements: a political system for choosing and replacing the government through free and fair elections; the active participation of the people, as citizens, in politics and civic life; protection of the human rights of all citizens; …

Which country does not have a bicameral system?

Countries with unicameral legislature are China, Iran, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden etc. Countries with bicameral legislature include India, the United States, France, Canada, Italy etc. It is more efficient in passing laws as it needs approval from only one house to pass a law.

Which country parliament has the largest membership?

The largest legislative assembly is the Chinese National People’s Congress, which consists of around 3000 indirectly elected members.

What are three ways citizens can participate in community service?

Examples include voting, volunteering, participating in group activities, and community gardening. Some are individual activities that benefit society (e.g., voting) or group activities that benefit either the group members (e.g., recreational soccer teams) or society (e.g., volunteer organizations).

What was Athenian citizenship?

Citizens. To be classed as a citizen in fifth-century Athens you had to be male, born from two Athenian parents, over eighteen years old, and complete your military service. Women, slaves, metics and children under the age of 20 were not allowed to become citizens.

How did Greeks and Romans view citizenship differently?

Citizenship rights changed over time. While the Greeks tended to limit citizenship to children born to citizens, the Romans were more willing to extend citizenship to include others who had previously been excluded, such as freed slaves.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of Athens political system?

Weaknesses of the Athenian democracy include: The Athenian form of democracy was a contradiction in the sense that it did not allow participation of a large section of the public, namely, women and slaves. The Athenian democracy was not equitable, and it did not consider slaves and foreigners.

How do citizens connect with their government?

Citizens vote for their government officials and these officials represent the concerns and ideas of the citizens in government. For example, your Governor is elected by the voters in your state. Voting in an election and contacting our elected officials are two ways that Americans can participate in our democracy.

What are the pros and cons of Athenian and Spartan societies?

Pros of Sparta Pros of Athens
Cons of Sparta Cons of Athens
-abandoned sick children -age 7 – military training -few freedoms -no education -slavery -not all people equal -tyrants -women not citizens -no formal education for girls -peasants, merchants, and artisans resented nobles -nobles could take land from peasants

Why do we need a parliament Class 9?

Answer. We need a parliament for making new laws in the country and changing and abolishing existing laws. We need a Parliament controls the executive organ of the government. Public money can be spent only with parliamentary sanction in this way Parliament controls the finances of the government.

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