What causes a wide span of control?
A manager with a wide span of control is directly responsible for the employees under him. For example, a floor manager in a factory supervises all of the employees working the production floor during his shift, which may be a wide span of control, depending on the number of employees.
What is the difference between narrow and wide span of control?
A wide span of control may be appropriate if jobs are simple or routine. In such cases, a manager can competently control and oversee many employees. Narrower spans go to those managers in charge of subordinates performing complicated or customized work.
Which of the following can widen the span of control?
Delegation of authority will widen the span of management because if the manager clearly delegates and defines responsibility to his subordinate, he requires less time to devote to managing their actions as those specified tasks will be done effectively by the subordinates.
What are the advantages of narrow span of control?
Advantages of a narrow span of control
- Enhanced communication. Improved communication is a major advantage of a narrow span of control.
- Improved employee satisfaction.
- Increased company awareness.
- Closer teams.
- More comprehensive training.
- Inefficient use of resources.
- Increased costs.
- Disruptive.
What is narrow and wide span?
There are two types of span of controls as Narrow span and wide span. Narrow Span. Wide Span. The firm with narrow span of control has less number of subordinates reporting directly to the manager. The firm with wide span of control has more number of subordinates reporting directly to the manager.
What is the best span of control?
Optimal span of control. Three or four levels of reporting typically are sufficient for most organizations, while four to five are generally sufficient for all organizations but the largest organizations (Hattrup, 1993).
What is narrow span of control with example?
Organizations in which the culture drives a narrower span of control include the military, governments, and organizations that must adhere to specific emergency protocols, such as hospitals.
Is a wide span of control beneficial to the business?
Advantages of a Large Span of Control » Faster Decision Making: with fewer layers within the organization decisions can be made more quickly. » Lower Costs: relative to organizations with a small span of control because fewer managers are needed relative to the number of employees.
What is the ideal span of control?
An ideal span of control according to modern authors is around 15 to 20 subordinates per manager, while according to the traditional authors the ideal number is around 6 subordinates per manager.
What is the average span of control?
According to most management experts, at the top level of management, the span of control should not be more than 1:6 while at the lower level of management, the span of control should not be more than 1:20.
What is the effective span of control?
Span of control is simply the number of staff that report to a manager. Some companies also have an ideal span of control, which is the number of reports they feel a manager can effectively manage. In this case, if a manager has fewer reports than the ideal, they may feel he or she is not being effectively used,…
What is a wide span of control in business?
The term “wide span of control,” as a ratio between manager and direct reports, refers to a manager’s authority over a large number of subordinates. A manager with a narrow span of control has direct authority over a fewer number of staff members, according to Inc. Magazine.