What counts as cross-country flight time?
By definition, cross-country time includes any flight conducted by a pilot in an aircraft that includes a landing at a point other than the point of departure that includes the use of dead reckoning, pilotage, electronic navigation aids, radio aids, or other navigation systems to navigate to the landing point.
How many hours do you need for Part 135?
The Part 135 rule permits up to 34 hours of flying per week. Since the flight crewmember’s flight time in all commercial flying at the time of being assigned to Part 135 flying was only 25 hours, the pilot could legally fly another 9 hours.
Can a safety pilot log cross country time?
The safety pilot cannot log cross-country time. The FAA has issued a Legal Interpretation (Gebhart) that clarifies the FAR. Section 61.65(d) contemplates that only the pilot conducting the entire flight, including takeoff, landing, and en route flight, as a required flight crewmember may log cross-country flight time.
Can a CFI log XC time?
A CFI does not need a medical if the person receiving instruction/flying the aircraft is properly certificated, rated, current and has a valid medical. If the flight is a cross country (50+NM) the CFI can also log cross country time even though he/she was not the manipulator of the controls at any time.
What counts as Cross Country Canada?
Transport Canada does not provide a definition of “cross-country” flight in the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs), however, a general consensus among pilots is that, in order to log “cross-country time” in a Pilot’s Logbook, the pilot must have demonstrated some kind of navigational ability during the logged period …
What is the minimum distance for a cross country flight?
To meet the aeronautical experience requirements of a sport pilot certificate, cross country flight time must include a landing at least a straight line distance of more than 25 nautical miles from the original point of departure.
Can 2 pilots log PIC time?
You can log PIC time if you are the sole manipulator of the controls of an aircraft which yo are qualified to fly. In the example the instrument rated pilot flew the entire flight and thus can be the only one logging PIC time. However, the other pilot MUST log . 9 safety pilot time in his logbook.
Can a CFI log PIC without a medical?
To legally act as PIC, a private, commercial, and airline transport pilot must have a current medical certificate and have all required endorsements, ratings, and recency of experience for the type of aircraft being flown and the flight conditions under which the flight is conducted (FAR 61.3, 61.31, 61.56, 61.57).
How do you log ATP XC?
For the ATP certificate, you could, in theory, fly a straight line distance of 50NM away from your point of departure, turn around, fly back, and log cross country time without even landing at a different airport.
How many hours of cross country time is required for PIC?
To act as PIC under FAR Part 135, pilots must have either 100 hours of cross country time for VFR flights or 500 hours of cross country time for IFR flights. These Part 135 requirements follow the FAA’s basic definition of cross country flight as being “point to point.” FAR 135.243 (b/c)
What counts as cross country flight time for certificate training?
According to this 2008 Legal Interpretation by the FAA, as long as one point of landing is a straight line distance of at least 50nm away from the original point of departure, the entire route can count as “cross country” flight time for certificate training requirements under FAR 61.1 (b) (ii). There’s one catch to this 50NM rule, however.
Does a 10 mile repositioning count as cross country flight time?
So yes, under this legal FAA definition, a 10 mile repositioning flight from Colorado Springs to Meadow Lake counts is cross country flight time. But wait, not so fast.
How should i Log my Cross-Country hours and distance?
AOPA recommends that you log all cross-country hours under the basic cross-country column and then add the distance and landing information under the notes or remarks column alongside.