What do most gamers use to edit their videos?

What do most gamers use to edit their videos?

4 Best Video Editing Software for Gamers

  • Wondershare Filmora (Latest Filmora version X)
  • Windows Movie Maker.
  • Lightworks Pro Video Editor.
  • Videopad Master’s Edition.

What do gaming YouTubers use to edit their videos?

As I previously mentioned, the three most popular programs that Youtubers use to edit their videos are iMovie, Final Cut Pro, and Adobe Premiere Pro CC. A first option is a perfect tool for beginners.

What is the best app for editing gaming videos?

2. Best Free Game Video Editors for PC

  • 2 AVS Video Editor.
  • 3 Lightworks.
  • 1 iMovie.
  • 2 Shotcut.
  • 3 Blender.
  • 1 FilmoraGo- Free Video Editor.
  • 2 Quik – GoPro Video Editor to edit clips with music.
  • 3 Cameo – Video Editor and Movie Maker.

How do I edit a gaming video like a pro?

Without further ado, let’s dive right in.

  1. Plan your gameplay production ahead.
  2. Record the gameplay.
  3. Get yourself a soundtrack or record voice comments.
  4. Download game video editing software.
  5. Cut out the boring stuff.
  6. Merge what’s left and add transitions (or don’t)
  7. Add audio to your gameplay footage.

What editing software should I use?

The best video editing software in 2021

  1. Adobe Premiere Pro. The best video editing software for pro video editors.
  2. CyberLink PowerDirector 365. The best video editing software for everyday use.
  3. Adobe Premiere Elements.
  4. Pinnacle Studio.
  5. Final Cut Pro.
  6. Adobe Premiere Rush.
  7. Corel VideoStudio Ultimate.
  8. Filmora.

Which is better blender or Lightworks?

Blender is best if you’re using special effects or need to create or add animations. Lightworks sets the Hollywood standard and is professional grade, but the free version limits your output options.

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