What do you mean by developmental?

What do you mean by developmental?

Definition of developmental 1a : of, relating to, or being development developmental processes developmental biology broadly : experimental sense 2 developmental aircraft. b : serving economic development developmental highways. 2 : designed to assist growth or bring about improvement (as of a skill) developmental toys.

What’s another word for developmental?

What is another word for developmental?

broadening cultivating
advancing enlightening
enriching expanding
improving refining
cultural educational

What is an example of developmental?

A developing or being developed. Development is defined as the process of growth or new information or an event. An example of development is the changing of a caterpillar to a butterfly. An example of development is emerging details about a local robbery.

Why is development so important?

Learning and development is amazing. It helps companies gain and retain top talent, it improves productivity, and learning & development helps companies earn more profit. Before we go on then, it seems we need to understand what is learning and development and who are the key players.

What is the importance of development?

Development is about growth and helping to grow different aspects, as together they create further growth. Development is vital in today’s society as it affects every aspect in everyday life. Certain factors have a huge influence on development or the lack thereof the need to improve development.

How can human development be positive or negative?

The growth is quantitative and value neutral which means it may have a positive or a negative that the change may be either positive (showing an increase) or negative (indicating a decrease) whereas development means a qualitative change which is always value positive.

What are the characteristics of development?

These are:

  • It is a continuous process.
  • It follows a particular pattern like infancy, childhood, adolescence, maturity.
  • Most traits are correlated in development.
  • It is the result of interaction of individual and environment.
  • It is predictable.
  • It is both quantitative and qualitative.

What is the ultimate goal of development?

What is the ultimate goal of development? The ultimate goal of development is progressive transformation of economy and social system and the satisfaction of human needs and aspirations.

What does developmentally mean?

Developmental means relating to the development of someone or something. …the emotional, educational, and developmental needs of the child.

What are the 5 developmental domains?

The U.S. Department of Education defines the five domains of school readiness as follows: Language and literacy development. Cognition and general knowledge (including early mathematics and early scientific development) Approaches toward learning. Physical well-being and motor development. Social and emotional development.

What is developmental development?

Definition of developmental. 1a : of, relating to, or being development developmental processes developmental biology broadly : experimental sense 2 developmental aircraft. b : serving economic development developmental highways. 2 : designed to assist growth or bring about improvement (as of a skill) developmental toys.

What is a developmental perspective?

Developmental Perspective. Parents are often curious about how life looks through their children’s eyes. You can think of a child’s phase of development as being like a lens through which they see their world. When you understand things from your child’s developmental perspective, it is easier to parent more effectively.

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