What do you mean by judicious?

What do you mean by judicious?

: having, using, or showing good judgment : wise The community deserves praise for its judicious use of water. Other Words from judicious. judiciously adverb.

What are two synonyms for judicious?

synonyms for judicious

  • astute.
  • careful.
  • cautious.
  • circumspect.
  • considerate.
  • expedient.
  • prudent.
  • rational.

How do you use the word judicious?

Judicious in a Sentence ?

  1. Because of the doctor’s experience, he was a judicious fellow who was well-respected by his colleagues.
  2. The experienced software engineer is judicious when it comes to finding the best way to code a software application.

What is the synonym and antonym for judicious?

judicious. Antonyms: foolish, unwise, silly, imprudent, indiscreet, ill-judged, ill-advised, impolitic, inexpedient, rash, blind, injurious. Synonyms: wise, sagacious, expedient, sensible, prudent, discreet, well-judged, well-advised, polite, discerning, thoughtful.

Does judicious mean careful?

Having, applying, or showing sound judgment; wise and careful. Having or exhibiting sound judgment; prudent. The definition of judicious is having good judgment.

What does judicious evidence mean?

using or showing judgment as to action or practical expediency; discreet, prudent, or politic.

Where does the word judicious come from?

judicious (adj.) 1600, “having sound judgment; careful, prudent,” also “manifesting sound judgment, carefully planned,” from French judicieux (16c.) or directly from Medieval Latin iudiciosus “prudent, judicious,” from Latin iudicium “judgment,” from iudicem “a judge” (see judge (n.)).

What is a judicious decision?

adjective. If you describe an action or decision as judicious, you approve of it because you think that it shows good judgment and sense. [formal, approval]

What is judicious mix?

adj having or proceeding from good judgment.

What is judicious prudent?

is that judicious is having, characterized by, or done with good judgment or sound thinking while prudent is sagacious in adapting means to ends; circumspect in action, or in determining any line of conduct; careful, discreet, sensible; — opposed to rash; directed by prudence or wise forethought; evincing prudence;.

What is the difference between judicious and judicial?

If your judgment is sound, use ‘judicious. “Judicious” means “having or exercising good judgement,” while “judicial” is reserved more strictly for subjects relating to judges and law, such as the “judicial branch” of government.

What is the meaning of judicious decision?

Definition of judicious : having, exercising, or characterized by sound judgment judicious investments a judicious decision : having, using, or showing good judgment : wise The community deserves praise for its judicious use of water.

How is the word judicious distinct from other similar adjectives?

How is the word judicious distinct from other similar adjectives? Some common synonyms of judicious are prudent, sage, sane, sapient, sensible, and wise. While all these words mean “having or showing sound judgment,” judicious stresses a capacity for reaching wise decisions or just conclusions.

What is the antonym for judicious?

foolish, unwise. Antonyms for judicious. imprudent, indiscreet, injudicious. 2 suitable for bringing about a desired result under the circumstances. I’ll ask for the raise at a time I deem most judicious. Synonyms for judicious.

What is judicious use of force?

having or showing good judgment in making decisions: The law allows for the judicious use of force in some situations.

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