What do you mean by non-biodegradable pollutants?

What do you mean by non-biodegradable pollutants?

Non-biodegradable pollutants refer to toxic pollutants that are not degraded or decomposed naturally into less harmful compounds. Humans are the primary source of producing non-biodegradable pollutants.

What are 4 types of non-biodegradable waste?

Non-biodegradable waste examples include- plastics, metal, aluminium cans, tyres, pains, toxic chemicals, toxic chemicals, polystyrene, etc.

What are biodegradable pollutants and non-biodegradable pollutants?

Those pollutants which are decomposed by bacteria like, vegetables and fruits leftovers, sewage, cow dung etc. are called biodegradable pollutants. Non-biodegradable pollutants are those which cannot be decomposed by bacteria e.g., mercury, polythene, aluminium DDT etc.

Which of the following is not an example of non-biodegradable pollutants?

Detailed Solution. The correct answer is Pesticide. DDT, plastics, polythene, bags, insecticides, pesticides, mercury, lead, arsenic, metal articles like aluminum cans, synthetic fibers, glass objects, iron products, and silver foils are non-biodegradable pollutants.

What is non biodegradable Class 10?

Non-biodegradable wastes are those who cannot be decomposed or dissolved by natural agents. They remain on earth for thousands of years without any degradation.

What are biodegradable substances Class 10?

Biodegradable substances can be characterized as a substance that can be decomposed by natural factors such as microbes (e.g., bacteria, fungi, etc.) Together, microorganisms and other abiotic elements break down complex compounds into simpler organic matter, which eventually remains in the soil and blends in.

What is a non persistent pollutant?

The Degradable or called as non-persistent pollutants can be rapidly broken down by natural process. For example domestic sewage, discarded vegetables, Slowly-degradable or persistent pollutants are pollutants that exist in the environment for many years in a stable condition and take decades or longer to degrade.

What is biodegradable and non degradable substances?

Biodegradable substances are those that degrades or break down naturally . Non-biodegradable substances are those that do not degrade easily. These terms itself defines the ability of the substances which are degradable or not.

Is DDT a non biodegradable pollutant?

Non biodegradable pollutants are a threat to environment . Plastic is one of the major non biodegradable pollutant. Others include DDT (Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloroethane) which is a pesticide, some fertilisers, metals also require about thousands of years to degrade,major metallic pollutants are mercury ,…

What are some non biodegradable items?

Non-biodegradable products include plastic products, metal products, construction waste and electronics. Non-biodegradable products are items that cannot decay or be broken down by living organisms.

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