What does Akamai do?

What does Akamai do?

Akamai Technologies, Inc. Akamai Technologies, Inc. is an American content delivery network (CDN), cybersecurity, and cloud service company, providing web and Internet security services. Akamai’s Intelligent Edge Platform is one of the world’s largest distributed computing platforms.

Why is Akamai blocking my IP?

AFAIK Akamai has some security solutions like IP reputation that automatically “rate” IPs that are used for attacks across their platform, so Akamai customers can easily block IPs with a high risk rating (i.e. have been identified as source of attacks).

What is Akamai WAF?

Akamai Identified as a Web Application Firewall (WAF) Leader by Independent Research Firm. Akamai’s WAF, Kona Site Defender, is one in a suite of security products that also includes DDoS protection, bot management, and an API gateway available to Akamai’s CDN customers.

What is Akamai protection?

Akamai surrounds and protects your entire ecosystem — clouds, apps, APIs, and users. API and Application Security. Remote Work Security. Account Takeover Protection.

Why do I need Akamai?

Akamai is primarily a download manager that allows users on a slow connection to download big files slowly. Its purpose is to improve the speed, reliability and efficiency for downloads and streams, and to do that securely and without violating your privacy or intruding on your computing.

How do you check Akamai?

Instructions for how to check / confirm if a site on Akamai (i.e. has been CNAME’d to Akamai) or not….

  1. Log in to the Akamai control Center.
  2. Select “Your services” > “Support” > “Diagnostic tools” > “Verify Akamai IP”
  3. Enter in the IP address in question.
  4. Select “Submit”

What is Akamai Bot manager?

Akamai Bot Manager provides developers and admins with a flexible framework to manage interactions with bots. Bot Manager helps you identify all the bots that are accessing your site and categorizes them based on their business role or value.

What is Geo-filtering and how does it work?

In other words, a subfolder of a previously configured folder can be assigned a different country/region filter. The geo-filtering feature uses country/region codes to define the countries/regions from which a request is allowed or blocked for a secured directory.

How do I create a geo-filtering rule for Azure CDN premium?

For Azure CDN Premium from Verizon profiles, the user interface for creating a geo-filtering rule is different: From the top menu in your Azure CDN profile, select Manage. From the Verizon portal, select HTTP Large, then select Country Filtering. Select Add Country Filter.

Should your business use whole-country GeoIP filtering?

If your business is entirely UK based, and you have no reason to accept incoming online communications from other countries, then whole-country geoIP filtering makes perfect sense. But if you deal with customers from abroad or you want people from other countries to access your website, then you have to think more carefully about who you can block.

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