What does Annex U mean NHS?
Annex U of the Agenda for Change NHS Terms and Conditions of Service Handbook addresses the pay and conditions of service for trainees. The annex acknowledges that there are a wide range of such staff and provides three categories into which they should fall.
What is a band 8 nurse?
Band 8 – Modern Matron, Chief or Head Nurse Band 8a – This role requires nurses to still carry out many nursing duties, but they will also be responsible for managing large teams of staff. The salary range is significantly higher due to the increase in extra responsibility and the long hours associated with the role.
What is the pay rise for the NHS in 2021?
Notes on the NHS Pay Scales 02 August 2021: New rates for 2021-2022 added to reflect the pay rise of 3%. The 3% pay rise was significantly less than expected after the Covid Pandemic which saw NHS resources and staff stretched well beyond normal working expectations.
What does annex 21/annex u mean for NHS?
NHS Annex 21/ Annex U Unsocial Hours payments. — MoneySavingExpert Forum NHS Annex 21/ Annex U Unsocial Hours payments. I’ve recently commenced a Band 7 training post in NHS Scotland under the Annex 21/Annex U traineeship program.
What is the pay structure for NHS staff in Wales?
Pay structure Wales. 1.1 The NHS pay system as a whole will have two pay spines or series of pay bands: pay spine one for staff within the remit of the Doctors’ and Dentists’ Review Body and pay spine two for staff within the extended remit of the NHS Pay Review Body (NHSPRB).
How does agenda for Change pay work in the NHS?
In March, the NHS Staff Council (the body which oversees Agenda for Change pay, made up of both employer and union representatives) published a pay journey chart showing how much an individuals’ pay would go up by each year, factoring in both basic salary increases, and the “pay progression” (where someone moves up a pay point).