What does competent communication depend on?

What does competent communication depend on?

To be a competent communicator, you should have cognitive knowledge about communication based on observation and instruction; understand that individual, social, and cultural contexts affect competence; and be able to adapt to those various contexts.

What is competent communication quizlet?

Competent Communication. a competent communicator is a person who has the knowledge, skill, and motivation to do what is both appropriate and effective in any given situation. Motivation.

What are the two indicators of competent communication?

Communication competence integrates two dimensions, cognitive and behavioural (Reardon, 1998), and the basic communication skills (cognitive skills and behavioural skills).

What is considered competent communication in one culture?

Culturally competent communication refers to communicating with awareness and knowledge of healthcare disparities and understanding that sociocultural factors have important effects on health beliefs and behaviors, as well as having the skills to manage these factors appropriately.

What is competent communication example?

For example, a competent communicator will engage in turn taking when in conversations instead of interrupting. A competent communicator would know when it is appropriate to ask questions to further the conversation, and read nonverbal cues/feedback from the receiver to know when the conversation is over.

What are the five characteristics of competent communicators?

Communication Competence Components Researchers have broken down the characteristics of competent communicators into five (5) areas: self-awareness, adaptability, empathy, cognitive complexity, and ethics.

What are competent communicators?

Competent communicators are able to assess what is going to be appropriate and effective in a given context and then modify their behaviors accordingly. Good communicators practice empathy, the ability to be “other- oriented” and understand other people’s thoughts and feelings.

What qualities make a competent communicator?

Researchers have broken down the characteristics of competent communicators into five (5) areas: self-awareness, adaptability, empathy, cognitive complexity, and ethics.

What is interpersonal communication competence?

Interpersonal communication: the personal exchange of information between two or more people. Communication competence: the ability to communicate in the most appropriate and effective way for a given situation. Motivation: the desire and reasons for approaching communication.

What are the three factors of communication?

The three components of a communication, from a pragmatic point of view, are:

  • Locution–the semantic or literal significance of the utterance;
  • Illocution–the intention of the speaker; and.
  • Perlocution–how it was received by the listener.

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