What does descend into directory mean?

What does descend into directory mean?

2 Answers. 2. You are adding the -i option which means –interactive so it will ask you if it can delete each file and directory. Is the only reason why “descend into directory `.

How do I remove descend from write-protected folder?

If a directory or a file within the directory is write-protected, you will be prompted to confirm the deletion. To remove multiple directories at once, use the rm -r command followed by the directory names separated by space.

What is a write-protected directory?

A write-protected file and directory; file can’t be modified or removed. The absence of execute permission in any of your directories means that the find command can’t descend that directory to look for files.

How can I rm without confirmation?

While you can simply unalias the rm alias, a simpler and generally used method to remove files without being prompted is to add the force -f flag to the rm command. It is advisable that you only add the force -f flag if you really know what you are removing.

Can not remove directory Linux?

If the directory is not empty or you do not have permission to delete it, you will see an error message. To remove a directory that is not empty, use the rm command with the -r option for recursive deletion.

How do I change a write protected folder?

Edit the Registry in Windows 7 to Remove Write Protection

  1. Press Windows key+R.
  2. In the Run dialog box, enter regedit and press Enter.
  3. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Services.
  4. Select USBSTOR.
  5. Double-click Start.
  6. In the dialog box, enter 3.
  7. Close the Registry Editor.

How do I change a write protected file?

Method 1. Remove Write Protection with Properties

  1. Open File Explorer, find the file you want to delete.
  2. Right-click the target file, and choose Properties.
  3. Under the General tab, there is an “Attributes” option.
  4. Uncheck the Read-only option, click OK to save your change.

What is the difference between rm and rmdir?

The difference between these commands is that rmdir only removes “empty directories,” and it does not remove files. If you need to remove a non-empty directory, use the rm command. Another point is that when you remove a file or directory using rm and rmdir, it is instantly removed instead of moving towards Trash.

What does recursively remove mean?

To delete files recursively means to delete the contents of the folder before deleting the folder itself. If the folder has other folders in it, it will do the same with those folders. Basically it means delete whatever is inside the folder I am deleting, so that I can delete the folder itself.

How do I go back to a previous directory in command prompt?

When you want to go back, type cd – and you will be back where you started.

How to remove disk write protection using CMD?

Solution 1: remove disk write protection using CMD 1. Hit Windows Key + X on your keyboard, and select Command Prompt (Admin) from the menu. 2. Type diskpart and press Enter. 3. Type list disk and press Enter. 4. Type select disk # (ex: Disk 1) to select the disk which is write protected and press

How to create a write protected disk in Windows 10?

Hit Windows Key + X on your keyboard, and select Command Prompt (Admin) from the menu. 2. Type diskpart and press Enter. 3. Type list disk and press Enter. 4. Type select disk # (ex: Disk 1) to select the disk which is write protected and press Enter.

What does RM descend into write-protected mean?

The message rm: descend into write-protected…is only generated by rmwhen it is interactive mode. By piping yes ninto rmyou are revoking its interactive option, so there is no longer any message to capture. – roaima Mar 3 ’15 at 21:01

Is the users document folder write protected?

That means that not even from Word you can save a new document in the Document folder. So – Users Document Folder is write protected even from both its owner and any administrator. Doesnt seem too smart…

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