What does ecbolic mean?
Medical Definition of ecbolic : a drug (as an ergot alkaloid) that tends to increase uterine contractions and that is used especially to facilitate delivery.
What does the word ascentric mean?
adjective. not centered; having no center.
What is meant by Oxytocic?
Definition of oxytocic : hastening childbirth also : inducing contraction of uterine smooth muscle.
What drugs are considered Uterotonics?
Uterotonic drugs
- Oxytocin. Oxytocin is the most widely used uterotonic drug.
- Ergometrine. Ergometrine and methylergometrine are ergot alkaloids that increase the uterine muscle tone by causing continuous tetanic contractions.
- Misoprostol.
- Carbetocin.
- Combinations of uterotonic drugs.
What is a Uterotonic used for?
Uterotonic drugs are used to induce (start) or augment (speed) labour; facilitate uterine contractions following a spontaneous abortion; prevent postpartum haemorrhage during active management of the third stage of labour; treat haemorrhage following childbirth or abortion; and for other gynaecological reasons.
What is an eccentric person called?
a person with an unusual or odd personality. synonyms: eccentric, flake, geek, oddball. types: crackpot, crank, fruitcake, nut, nut case, screwball. a whimsically eccentric person. nutter, wacko, whacko.
What is myometrium?
The muscular outer layer of the uterus. The uterus has a muscular outer layer called the myometrium and an inner lining called the endometrium.
What is the example of Oxytocis?
For example, when contraction of the uterus starts during childbirth, oxytocin is released. This stimulates more contractions and more oxytocin to be released. In this way, contractions increase in intensity and frequency. There is also a positive feedback involved in the milk-ejection reflex.
What do Uterotonics do?
Uterotonics are drug formulations that help to prevent and treat postpartum haemorrhage. They do this by increasing tonicity of and contractions in the uterus which in turn helps to reduce blood loss during childbirth.
What is the difference between Tocolytics & Uterotonics?
Uterotonics and tocolytics – O&G Magazine. Medications that relax the muscle in the pregnant uterus – tocolytics – or increase uterine contraction – uterotonics – play a vital role in modern obstetric care.
What is the meaning of ecbolics?
Define ecbolics. ecbolics synonyms, ecbolics pronunciation, ecbolics translation, English dictionary definition of ecbolics. adj hastening labour or abortion n a drug or agent that hastens labour or abortion Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 ©… Ecbolics – definition of ecbolics by The Free Dictionary
Is culture an economy or an ecology?
Culture is often discussed as an economy, but it is better to see it as an ecology, because this viewpoint offers a richer and more complete understanding of the subject. Seeing culture as an ecology is congruent with cultural value approaches that take into account a wide range of non-monetary values.
What does culture mean to you?
“By culture we mean all those historically created designs for living, explicit and implicit, rational, irrational, and nonrational, which exist at any given time as potential guides for the behavior of men.” Kroeber, A.L., & Kluckhohn, C. (1952). Culture: A critical review of concepts and definitions.
What is the meaning of ekbol?
1. promoting birth or abortion by increasing uterine contractions. n. 2. a drug that promotes birth or abortion. [1745–55; < Greek ekbol(ḗ)expulsion (n. derivative of ekbálleinto throw out, miscarry, abort =ek- ec- + bálleinto throw) + -ic]