What does guarantee mean in the dictionary?

What does guarantee mean in the dictionary?

1 : a promise that something will be or will happen as stated a guarantee against defects. 2 : something given as a promise of payment : security. guarantee. verb. guaranteed; guaranteeing.

Are there word guarantees?

To guarantee is to promise or to a make binding agreement. Guarantee is a word that is both a noun and a verb: the noun means “a binding agreement” and the verb is the act of making that agreement.

Which is correct guaranty or guarantee?

You can use “guarantee” both as a verb and as a noun, in any context where you wish to express the promise that something will happen or the meaning of the word “warranty”. When do we use “guaranty”? “Guaranty” is mainly used as a noun, though you will rarely find it in common, daily conversations.

Where did the word guarantee come from?

Guarantee is sometimes spelt “guarantie” or “guaranty”. It is from an Old French form of “warrant”, from the Germanic word which appears in German as wahren: to defend or make safe and binding.

Who is a guarantee and guarantor?

Black’s Law Dictionary 7th Edition at page 711 defined Guarantee as “an assurance that a contract or legal act will be duly carried out.” B. Guarantor: According to the Black’s Law Dictionary 7th Edition page 711, a guarantor is defined as “one who gives security for a debt.”

How do you use guaranty?

When to Use Guaranty – Guaranty Definition Guaranty is only used as a noun, where it means a promise to pay money if another party does not. It is mostly used in banking and finance, but is rarely used outside of legal context. For example, The bank requires a binding guaranty from a separate cosigner.

Why is guarantee spelled that way?

“Guarantee” is derived from an Old French word, garantir meaning “to protect”. When English adopted certain French words, a “u” was often inserted to mark the “g” as a hard sound, as in “guest” and “guilt”. The long “e” at the end of “guarantee” is also spelt “guaranty”.

What does guaranteed mean?

guarantee(Noun) A written declaration that a certain product will be fit for a purpose and work correctly. The cooker comes with a 5-year guarantee. guarantee(Noun) A person who gives such a guarantee; a guarantor. guarantee(Verb) To assure that something will get done right.

What is the definition of guaranteed?

Definition of guaranteed. 1 : assured with a guarantee (see guarantee entry 2 sense 3) : protected or promised by a guarantee a guaranteed annual wage a guaranteed loan In some California locales … public-safety workers can pull down truly swank livings, given their salaries, health benefits and guaranteed pension payouts.— Amanda Ripley .

What is the definition of guarantees?

Guarantee is defined as to state with confidence that something will happen. An example of guarantee is for a store to sign a document stating that they will repair a new computer free of charge for three years after purchase.

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