What does intrigue mean in the Bible?

What does intrigue mean in the Bible?

plot, intrigue, machination, conspiracy, cabal mean a plan secretly devised to accomplish an evil or treacherous end.

What does Jezebel represent in the Bible?

Old Testament Jezebel reappears as a New Testament prophet in Revelation 2:20, encouraging servants to fornicate and eat the animals that had been sacrificed to the gods. She has come down through the ages as the primary symbol of wanton, shameless womanhood.

What can we learn from Lydia in the Bible?

Lydia was the first European convert to Christ. Lydia recognized the demands of travelers on a journey and saw the needs of people in ministry. She helped to craft a legacy for the early church, Philippi, and her home of Thyatira. The lesson we gain says that relationship and community matter.

What are the characteristics of Abigail in the Bible?

Abigail is described as intelligent and beautiful. The Talmud amplifies this idea, mentioning her as being one of the “four women of surpassing beauty in the world,” (the other three being Rahab, Sarah, and Esther). Being married to the wealthy Nabal, she is also a woman of high socioeconomic status.

What does intriguing Mean Mean?

Full Definition of intriguing : engaging the interest to a marked degree : fascinating an intriguing story. Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About intriguing.

What does intrigued mean example?

Intrigued is defined as that you have become interested in something and want to learn more. An example of intrigued is when you read a news article and are inspired to go and learn more about the subject. verb.

Who did Jezebel seduce in the Bible?

Jezebel was a Phoenician princess in the 9th century who married Ahab, the prince of Israel. Eventually, they ruled as king and queen. Jezebel continued worship the nature god Baal. Her citizens and the Yahweh prophet Elijah despised such actions.

What kind of woman was Lydia in the Bible?

She was also a religious seeker. Though she was a Gentile by birth, Lydia worshipped the God of the Jews. When Paul saw her, she was with a group of devout women who gathered to pray at a place by the river just outside the city.

Who are the wise woman in the Bible?

The wise woman of Abel is an unnamed figure in the Hebrew Bible. She appears in 2 Samuel 20, when Joab pursues the rebel Sheba to the city of Abel-beth-maachah. The woman, who lives in Abel, institutes a parley with Joab, who promises to leave the city if Sheba is handed over to him.

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