What does it mean to exculpate?

What does it mean to exculpate?

exculpate, absolve, exonerate, acquit, vindicate mean to free from a charge. exculpate implies a clearing from blame or fault often in a matter of small importance.

What is another word for exculpate?

Some common synonyms of exculpate are absolve, acquit, exonerate, and vindicate. While all these words mean “to free from a charge,” exculpate implies a clearing from blame or fault often in a matter of small importance.

Is exculpation a word?

A freeing or clearing from accusation or guilt: exoneration, vindication.

What is the opposite of exculpate?

exculpate. Antonyms: charge, inculpate, implicate. Synonyms: defend, vindicate, exonerate, acquit, release.

Is exculpate the same as exonerate?

To exculpate means to find someone not guilty of criminal charges. Exculpate comes from two Latin words: ex-, meaning “from,” and culpa, meaning “blame.” Exculpate is similar in meaning to exonerate. When you exonerate someone, you clear a person of an accusation and any suspicion that goes along with it.

How do you spell Exuberating?

verb (used without object), ex·u·ber·at·ed, ex·u·ber·at·ing. to be exuberant; superabound; overflow.

What does it mean to be incriminating?

1 : to charge with involvement in a crime he was incriminated in the conspiracy. 2 : to suggest or show involvement of in a crime among the evidence that incriminated him was a box of trigger devices — see also self-incrimination.

What is the definition of exculpate?

To exculpate is defined as to free from guilt or blame. An example of to exculpate is telling someone that an accident was not their fault. YourDictionary definition and usage example.

What is the meaning of exculpated?

exculpate implies a clearing from blame or fault often in a matter of small importance. exculpating himself from the charge of overenthusiasm absolve implies a release either from an obligation that binds the conscience or from the consequences of disobeying the law or committing a sin.

What is the adjective for exculpate?

What is the adjective for exculpate? exculpable (ɪkˈskʌlpəb ə l), adjective exculpation, noun exculpatory, adjective Word Origin for exculpate C17: from Medieval Latin exculpāre, from Latin ex- 1 + culpāre to blame, from culpa fault, blame

What does explate mean?

› to show that you are sorry for bad behaviour by doing something or accepting punishment: to expiate a crime/sin.

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