What does Knackers mean in Australia?

What does Knackers mean in Australia?

“Knackered” meaning tired, exhausted or broken in British and Irish slang is commonly used in Australia, Ireland, Newfoundland, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. Automotive junkyards, salvage yards or recyclers may also be referred to as “knackers’ yards” or “knackers”.

What does F * * * * * * mean in Australian?

Meaning: “F*****g oath”. A similar term to “dead set” or “fair dinkum”.

Is knackered rude?

“Knackered” ISN’T a swear word. Neither is it an off-colour one. “Knackered” is just a colloquialism or slang (or both) to mean tired and exhausted. It is relatively more used in the UK than in the USA or elsewhere.

What does Wackadoo mean in Australia?

Filters. (slang) Crazy, wacky. adjective.

What does OG mean in Australia?

He says that OG stands for Old Government”.

Why is a sandwich called a Sammy?

The sandwich was named after John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich who, legend has it, would order his meat tucked between two pieces of bread in order to keep his hands from getting greasy while playing cribbage. …

What do you call a fancy sandwich?

Despite the fancy-schmancy name a corque monsieur is in reality a fancied up hot ham and cheese sandwich. What makes a croque monsieur fancy (aside from the French moniker) is the use of some very special cheeses and a very rich sauce (more on the sauce in a minute).

What does knackers mean in slang?

Knackers was once used to mean castanets, from which derived its sense as slang for testicles (pause for chortle). This was used by James Joyce in Ulysses (1922): “Eh, Harry, give him a kick in the knackers.”

Do you know Australian slang?

We in Australia are habitually using slang for most of the words used in English. Even though we don’t have a different language than English to communicate, we prefer our slang. Aussies are unique that way. Starting from addressing a carrying mom we begin our journey and here you go with the list of slangs we use for kids and children.

What is Knacker’s yard?

Get a knacker mug for your dad Vivek. 1. A slang term for ‘testicles’. 2. A yard where horses are killed for food or glue, short for the ” knacker’s yard “. 3. Sometimes used in place of ‘knackered’, meaning ‘tired’ or ‘worn out’. 1. He’s got his knackers in a twist. 2. We sent Red Rum to the knacker’s yard . 3.

Why do we use slang with our kids?

That’s exactly what we do when we talk to them using our slang. Yes, we call nappies for napkin, chokkies for chocolate, and lollies for lollypops. Kids will easily remember and will learn fast to communicate. This is the way we play with our kids and start building their vocabulary.

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