What does modest and optimistic mean?

What does modest and optimistic mean?

As adjectives the difference between modest and optimistic is that modest is not bragging or boasting about oneself or one’s achievements, unpretentious, humble while optimistic is expecting the best in all possible ways.

What does an optimistic person mean?

Essential Meaning of optimistic. : having or showing hope for the future : expecting good things to happen : hopeful Both of them were optimistic about the future of the town. He has an optimistic view of the company’s future.

What does optimistic mean example?

The definition of optimistic is a feeling or attitude of being positive or hopeful about the future. An example of someone who is optimistic is a person who believes that he will get a promotion and that everything will turn out alright. In an optimistic mood.

What is optimistic attitude?

Optimism is a mental attitude characterized by hope and confidence in success and a positive future. Optimists are those who expect good things to happen, where pessimists instead predict unfavorable outcomes.

Why are you an optimistic person?

Optimistic people have a positive outlook on life. They are able to take the best possible outcome out of any situation because they always see the glass as half full and never give up when things get tough. Optimistic people believe that everything happens for a reason.

How do you use optimistic?

  1. I hope we can be more Optimistic in the new year.
  2. I wouldn’t be too Optimistic.
  3. But other healthcare experts were less Optimistic.
  4. However, some other experts are not that Optimistic.
  5. The doctors seem very Optimistic.”.
  6. Actually, I’m quite Optimistic.
  7. But they are not very Optimistic.

Is optimistic a feeling?

Optimism is feeling or thinking that a situation or scenario will have the best possible outcome. People who are optimistic tend the see the best in everything or everyone despite any current troubles.

Is it good to be optimistic?

Optimism Is Healthy It turns out that an optimistic attitude helps us be happier, more successful, and healthier. Optimism can protect against depression — even for people who are at risk for it. An optimistic outlook makes people more resistant to stress. Optimism may even help people live longer.

Does optimistic mean positive?

What Does Optimistic Mean? Optimistic or being an optimist, means that you hope and expect favorable results. It means being positive, cheerful and confident about the future. It means a person with a positive attitude, who believes and hopes things would turn out well.

How do I become an optimistic person?

Here are seven ways to cultivate optimism and confidence in your own life.

  1. Focus on solutions, not on problems.
  2. Play a 30-second “movie” of your life daily.
  3. Find any improvement to the current situation.
  4. Minimize obstacles to success.
  5. Conjure up an inner coach.
  6. Give yourself daily “done wells.”
  7. Nurture a happy body.

How do you feel optimistic?

Steps to Approaching Life With More Optimism

  1. Analyze Your Thoughts, Giving Yourself Credit.
  2. Think of How Your Strengths Can Bring Other Good Things.
  3. Think of Future Events That Can Also Happen.
  4. Minimize the Negative, When It’s Realistic to Do So.
  5. Remember: Tomorrow Is Another Day.

Is it bad to be optimistic?

Multiple research has shown that optimism has a dark side too. Not only it can lead to poor outcomes, but it makes us underestimate risks or take less action. For example, positive affirmation might work for positive people but have detrimental consequences for those with low self-esteem — they result in worse moods.

What is the best definition of modesty?

2 : arising from or characteristic of a modest nature. 3 : observing the proprieties of dress and behavior : decent. 4 a : limited in size, amount, or scope a family of modest means. b : unpretentious a modest home.

What is the dictionary definition of optimistic?

Define optimistic. optimistic synonyms, optimistic pronunciation, optimistic translation, English dictionary definition of optimistic. n. 1. One who usually expects a favorable outcome. 2. A believer in philosophical optimism. op′ti·mis′tic adj. op′ti·mis′ti·cal·ly adv. American Heritage®…

What is the meaning of optimoptimistic?

optimistic – expecting the best in this best of all possible worlds; “in an optimistic mood”; “optimistic plans”; “took an optimistic view”

How do you use the word modest in a sentence?

Use modest in a sentence. A modest home. adjective. The definition of modest is someone or something that is humble or shy or not extreme. An example of modest is a person who doesn’t easily take their clothes off around others. An example of modest is a simple house.


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