What does MOX NOX mean?

What does MOX NOX mean?

Adjective. mox nix (not comparable) (dated, slang) unimportant, irrelevant quotations ▼

What is the meaning of Mach Schnell?

look sharp to be quick or to hurry.

Is blitz a German word?

‘Blitz’ comes from the German word for lightning. Its arrival in the English language can be traced to the German military strategy of Blitzkrieg (literally ‘lightning war’), which used tanks and bombers to secure rapid victories at the start of World War II.

What does Snell in German mean?

From Middle High German snel, from Old High German snel (“nimble, brave, quick, lively”), from Proto-Germanic *snellaz (“active, bold, quick”). Cognate with Dutch snel, English snell.

What is Mix Nix?

Mox-nix meaning (dated, slang) Unimportant, irrelevant.

Is the word blitz offensive?

Now, in current English, this usage of blitz is perfectly appropriate. But when you think of it, it’s kind of ironic, considering the original usage of Blitz meant the destruction of a city with the collateral death of inhabitants.

What started the blitz?

On September 7, 1940, 300 German bombers raid London, in the first of 57 consecutive nights of bombing. This bombing “blitzkrieg” (lightning war) would continue until May 1941. By the end of the day, German planes had dropped 337 tons of bombs on London. …

What is the meaning of Sneel?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1 chiefly Scotland : quick, acute. 2 chiefly Scotland : keen, piercing a snell wind smote us — Scotsman. 3 chiefly Scotland : grievous, severe.

Is the word Nix offensive?

In fact, in many languages, nix serves as slang. It is often used in response to something undesirable. For example, if you were to see a couple dozen beetles inhabiting your room, you could yell “nix!” in horror. The term is often used as a warning or an exclamation of fear or disgust, similar to “Oh no!” or “Uh oh!”

Who is Nix?

nix, also called nixie, or nixy, in Germanic mythology, a water being, half human, half fish, that lives in a beautiful underwater palace and mingles with humans by assuming a variety of physical forms (e.g., that of a fair maiden or an old woman) or by making itself invisible.

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