What does the lost Gospel of Judas say?
The Gospel of Judas states that Jesus told Judas “You shall be cursed for generations” and then added, “You will come to rule over them” and “You will exceed all of them, for you will sacrifice the man that clothes me.”
Why is the Gospel of Judas not included in the Bible?
The gospel of Judas was written long after the death of Jesus, which eliminates Judas as the author. This discrepancy in time means that the Judas gospel was not based on eyewitness accounts, as were all four of the canonical Gospels. He was also told that by betraying Jesus, he would be doing God’s work.
What Gospels are missing from the Bible?
Non-canonical gospels
- Gospel of Marcion (mid-2nd century)
- Gospel of Mani (3rd century)
- Gospel of Apelles (mid–late 2nd century)
- Gospel of Bardesanes (late 2nd–early 3rd century)
- Gospel of Basilides (mid-2nd century)
- Gospel of Thomas (2nd century; sayings gospel)
Who wrote Gospel of Judas?
The author of the 26-page Gospel of Judas remains anonymous. But the text reflects themes that scholars regard as being consistent with Gnostic traditions. Christian Gnostics believed that the way to salvation was through secret knowledge delivered by Jesus to his inner circle.
What are the hidden books of the Bible?
Contents of The Forgotten Books of Eden
- The Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan (The First and Second Book of Adam and Eve)
- The Secrets of Enoch (also known as the Slavonic Enoch or Second Enoch)
- The Psalms of Solomon.
- The Odes of Solomon.
- The Letter of Aristeas.
- The Fourth Book of Maccabees.
- The Story of Ahikar.
Why was Enoch removed from the Bible?
The Book of Enoch was considered as scripture in the Epistle of Barnabas (16:4) and by many of the early Church Fathers, such as Athenagoras, Clement of Alexandria, Irenaeus and Tertullian, who wrote c. 200 that the Book of Enoch had been rejected by the Jews because it contained prophecies pertaining to Christ.
What should we think about the Gospel of Judas?
The Gospel of Judas is a Gnostic Gospel and is consistent with Gnostic viewpoints. The Gnostics believed that the road to salvation was through secret knowledge given by Jesus to his inner circle. The biggest controversy in this text revolves around the theory that Jesus wanted Judas to betray Him in order to fulfill Jesus’ plan.
What is the Canonic Gospels say about Judas?
The four canonic gospels agree that Judas Iscariot was one of Jesus disciples, and that he betrayed Jesus to the temple priests and guard. The repeated use of the word “betray” emphasizes the nature of Judas’ actions.
Did Judas write a gospel?
The Gospel of Judas was developed by a Gnostic sect in the second century A.D and was originally written in Greek around 130-170. This fact alone tells us that it was not authored by Judas himself.
Is the “Gospel of Judas” authentic?
The Gospel of Judas, a text dated to about A.D. 280, tells the story of Judas as a collaborator with Jesus instead of a betrayer. (Image credit: Joseph Barabe, McCrone Associates, Inc) A long-lost gospel that casts Judas as a co-conspirator of Jesus, rather than a betrayer, was ruled most likely authentic in 2006.