What does the number at the bottom of a placard mean?

What does the number at the bottom of a placard mean?

Check the number at the bottom point of the placard. All hazmat signs have a single-digit number to indicate what class of hazardous material it is. There are nine classes. For example, a “1” indicates that the material is explosive, while a “7” indicates radioactivity.

Can you hand write in numbers on placards?

Specifically, you ask if identification number markings may be handwritten when displayed on placards. The answer is yes, provided the handwritten identification number markings meet all the requirements under §s172. 332(c) and 172.519.

What does placard 1210 mean?

Flammable Liquid
1210 Placard – Class 3 Flammable Liquid.

Can I write the UN number on a placard?

Yes. Maybe. Per 49 CFR 172.338, if more than one of the identification number markings displayed on placards, orange panels, or white square-on-points is lost, damaged, or destroyed during transportation, the carrier shall replace all missing or damaged identification numbers as soon as practicable.

What 3 things do you need to know to decide which placards you need?

You can decide which placards to use if you know these three things:

  • Material’s hazard class.
  • Amount being shipped.
  • Amount of all hazardous materials of all classes on your vehicle.

How do I identify hazmat placards?

Each hazmat sign has up to six main parts: Hazard classification number – See below. UN/NA number – See above. Compatibility letters – Some placards include the letters A-S, which let shippers and carriers know which explosive materials can be loaded together onto a trailer. Color – Other than classification numbers, hazmat placards are most easily identified by their different colors.

What do the numbers mean on hazardous placards?

These numbers, usually ranging from 0004-3534 , are called United Nations (U.N.) numbers, and are assigned by the U.N. to help identify hazardous international cargo, or the specific class of hazardous international cargo that is traveling in the U.S. 1203 placard, while combustible liquids are assigned the U.N. Click to see full answer.

What is the UN number for hazmat?

The identification number (UN number) is only required to be displayed if the packaging containing the HazMat is a bulk packaging or is a large quantity of a single HazMat. Read: Display of Identification Number on Vehicle for Large Quantity of Single HazMat.

Who is responsible for placarding hazmat?

Section 172.506 also states that if a vehicle transporting dangerous goods on the road does not have them, the offeror is responsible for providing the necessary hazmat placards.

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