What does the transversus thoracis do?

What does the transversus thoracis do?

Action. The transversus thoracis muscle is an accessory muscle of respiration. It depresses the ribs which supports expiration.

What are the Subcostals?

Subcostal muscles are the thin muscles found on the inner surface of the posterior thoracic wall bridging two or three intercostal spaces. Together with the intercostal, serratus posterior, levatores costarum, and transversus thoracis muscles they comprise the intrinsic musculature of the chest wall.

What are the parts of transversus thoracis?

The muscle is supplied by the anterior rami of the thoracic spinal nerves (intercostal nerves)….

Transversus thoracis muscle
Origin Costal cartilages of last 3-4 true ribs, body of sternum and xiphoid process
Insertion Ribs/costal cartilages 2-6

What muscles are in the thoracic?

The thoracic wall is made up of five muscles: the external intercostal muscles, internal intercostal muscles, innermost intercostal muscles, subcostalis, and transversus thoracis. These muscles are primarily responsible for changing the volume of the thoracic cavity during respiration.

What is the origin of the transversus Thoracis?

Transversus thoracis muscle

Origin Inferoposterior surface of body of sternum and xiphoid process; sternal ends of costal cartilages of ribs 4-7
Insertion Internal surface of costal cartilages of ribs 2-6
Action Depresses ribs during forced expiration; Supports intercostal spaces and thoracic cage

What is Levatores Costarum?

The levatores costarum (or levator costae) muscles are paired muscles of the posterior thorax. They number twelve on each side and attach to the transverse processes of C7 to T11 vertebrae and the ribs below, helping to elevate the ribs during respiration.

Where is subcostal?

The subcostal muscle has variable anatomy and forms part of the intercostal muscle group. It lies on the deep surface of the innermost intercostal muscle in the posterior chest, near the angles of the ribs, usually running over 2-3 intercostal spaces.

Where is the sternum?

The sternum is a partially T-shaped vertical bone that forms the anterior portion of the chest wall centrally. The sternum is divided anatomically into three segments: manubrium, body, and xiphoid process. The sternum connects the ribs via the costal cartilages forming the anterior rib cage.

What does the medical term thoracic mean?

Medical Definition of thoracic : of, relating to, located within, or involving the thorax thoracic trauma thoracic surgery.

What are the main functions of the scapular muscles?

The intrinsic muscles of the scapula include the rotator cuff muscles, teres major, subscapularis, teres minor, and infraspinatus. These muscles attach the scapular surface and assist with abduction and external and internal rotation of the glenohumeral joint.

What is levlevatores costarum?

Levatores costarum is a group of 12 small triangular muscles connecting the thoracic vertebrae to their adjacent ribs. These muscles are situated along the entire thoracic area from C7 to T12 on the posterior thoracic vertebra.

Where is the Levatores costarum located?

Levatores costarum is lateral to the rotatores thoracis muscle group and medial to the external intercostal muscles. It is also located deep to semispinalis cervicis and thoracis muscles. Levatores costarum is innervated by the lateral branches of the dorsal rami of thoracic spinal nerves (T1 – T12).

What is the difference between the Longi and breve costarum?

The short (breve) fascicle passes from the muscles’ origin to attach into the rib located immediately below, while the longer (longi) fascicle descends further to attach onto the rib located 2 levels below. Levatores costarum is lateral to the rotatores thoracis muscle group and medial to the external intercostal muscles.

What are the origins and insertions of the transversus thoracis?

Origins and insertions. The transversus thoracis muscle is a thin muscle on the inner surface of the anterior thoracic wall. Its origin lies on the dorsal surface of the xiphoid process and the body of the sternum. From there five insertion tendons run craniolaterally to the cartilage of the 2nd to 6th ribs giving it a serrated appearance.

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