What does the wall symbolize in mending wall?

What does the wall symbolize in mending wall?

“The Mending Wall” by Robert Frost is a poem that contains many symbols, the chief of which is the mending wall itself. The physical barrier of the wall represents the psychological or symbolic barrier between two human beings. The wall is a representation of the barriers to friendship and communication.

What does good fences make good neighbors mean in mending wall?

Robert Frost’s “Mending Wall” is about the barriers people put up between themselves and others. “Good fences make good neighbors” means that people will get along better if they establish boundaries.

Does the wall separate the two neighbors or bring them closer together?

d) Does the wall separate the two neighbors or bring them closer together?  No, it brings the two neighbors together. The wall served as an agent to bring them closer as they would meet there to mend it yearly.

Why do the hunters damage the wall?

What is the biggest irony in the poem The Mending Wall ‘?

Perhaps the greatest irony in the poem “Mending Wall ” is that the speaker continues to help rebuild the wall even as he realizes he disagrees with its presence. As the poem progresses, the speaker notes how all sorts of natural forces, like the ground and animals, conspire to take down the wall each winter.

Why does the poet argue that there is no need of a wall in between his estate and that of his Neighbour?

The poet argues that there is no need of a wall in between his estate and that of his neighbour because his area is covered with pine trees and the poet’s area is full of apple trees. Because of this expansion, the wall gets cracks, making the upper stones of the wall fall down on to the sides.

What does the first line of mending wall mean?

In “Mending Wall,” what does the first line mean: “Something there is that doesnt love a wall that sends the frozen-ground-swell under it.”

How do the hunters damage the wall in mending wall?

According to the poet, it seems that hunters come by the wall during the winter and remove stones in order to flush rabbits out of their hiding places within the wall. By tearing down sections of the wall, the hunters destroy the rabbits’ hiding places, thus allowing their dogs to chase them more easily.

Who initiates the mending of the wall?


How does the narrator describe the activity of mending the wall?

In “Mending Wall,” the speaker describes the activity of mending the wall as being a sort of “out-door game” which he plays with his neighbor. The two of them walk along the wall together and pick up “the boulders that have fallen to each.” They return these to the wall, sometimes with difficulty.

What does the poem suggest is the function of the wall in Robert Frost’s Mending Wall?

The poem describes how the speaker and a neighbor meet to rebuild a stone wall between their properties—a ritual repeated every spring. This ritual raises some important questions over the course of the poem, as the speaker considers the purpose of borders between people and the value of human work.

What does the wall between the two farms actually separate in the Mending Wall?

In “Mending Wall,” the wall between the two farms actually separates just that, two farms. The speaker of the poem owns an apple orchard, and his neighbor has pine trees. Neither of them possess any livestock or pets that would threaten to cross the barrier and cause damage to the other person’s land.

What are the two things that causes gaps in the wall?

Answer. Answer: Gaps occur due to two reasons on option premium charts: (i) decay in time value, and (ii) low liquidity in most options that are traded.

What is the meaning of Mending Wall?

“Mending Wall” is a poem written by the poet Robert Frost. The poem describes two neighbors who repair a fence between their estates. It is, however, obvious that this situation is a metaphor for the relationship between two people. The wall is the manifestation of the emotional barricade that separates them.

What argument does the speaker give to convince his Neighbour that they do not need the wall?

What argument does the speaker give to convince his neighbour that they do not need the wall? Answer: The speaker says that they do not need the wall because their fields are of two different kinds. The neighbour’s field has pine trees whereas the speaker has an apple orchard.

What is the meaning of Line 24 in mending wall?

what is the meaning of line 24? the neighbor’s property is full of pine trees, while the speaker’s property is full of apple trees. “Something there is that doesn’t love a wall, That sends the frozen-ground-swell under it”

Does the wall between the neighbors farms serve a practical purpose?

The practical purpose of the wall is to serve as a divider between the properties. The speaker points out that walls are normally used to keep livestock enclosed. Since neither of the neighbors have livestock, there is no need for a wall according to his point of view.

What question does the poet have about the wall?

Answer: The speaker points out that they have adjoining fields that will not affect the other’s crop because there are only pine trees and apple trees in his estate in his neighbour’s estate and cows can do no harm.

What is the form of the poem Mending Wall?

Robert Frost wrote “Mending Wall” in blank verse, a form of poetry with unrhymed lines in iambic pentamenter, a metric scheme with five pairs of syllables per line, each pair containing an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable. The first four lines of the poem demonstrate the pattern.

Where was the wall Why did it want mending every spring?

Answer: Mending Wall Summary in English A stone wall separates the speaker’s property from that of his neighbour. In spring, the two meet and along walk the wall and they jointly repair it. The speaker sees no reason for the wall to be kept-there are only apple and pine trees there.

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