What fuel does a potato gun use?

What fuel does a potato gun use?

A more powerful option is to drive the potato using the process of combustion and the rapidly expanding gases this creates. Indeed, combustion-driven potato cannons are simpler and easier to build then pneumatic ones. Perhaps the most popular fuel for such a device is hairspray, which often contains butane or propane.

Can you use ether in a potato gun?

DO NOT USE ether, gasoline, propane, oxycetylene, or really anything other than hairspray.

How much propane does a potato gun use?

When making a traditional potato or spud gun, the propellant used, some sort of aerosol spray, is pretty forgiving when it comes to consistent ignition. While we didn’t do any experiments ourselves, generally 5% propane to 95% air is the best ratio for generating a bang.

What is the best potato gun propellant?

The most effective experimental propellant was defined as the one which accelerated the potato to the highest muzzle velocity. The experimental propellant acetylene performed the best on average (138.1 m/s), followed by methanol (48.2 m/s), butane (34.6 m/s), ethanol (33.3 m/s), and propane (27.9 m/s), respectively.

What is the best propellant for potato gun?

Are potato guns illegal?

A: Potato-style guns like you are referring to are legal under federal law. Pneumatic potato guns that use compressed air are legal as long as they are not used like a weapon (e.g. shot at a person, etc.), so this line-launching device would be legal under state and federal laws.

What Hairspray works best for potato gun?

AquaNet hairspray was the key to my spud gun’s fire power. When we ran out of potatoes, we’d spray rocks with the hair spray to create an amazing dripping fire.

How does a propane cannon work?

Propane cannon systems require a detonation chamber, triggering mechanism, propane tank, and supporting structures. Cannons passively operated on timing mechanisms that produce regular or even random detonations and simply left in place are doomed to fail.

Why are potato guns illegal?

A spud gun may be interpreted as an imitation firearm, and therefore it would be illegal to have it in possession in a public place. The spud gun would most likely be considered a dangerous weapon, and therefore if an offense is committed with it, a possession of a dangerous weapon charge could be issued.

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