What ground covers can be walked on?

What ground covers can be walked on?

Choosing Groundcover That’s Walkable

  • Thyme (Thymus sp.)
  • Miniature speedwell (Veronica oltensis) – Veronica is a sun-loving plant with deep green leaves and tiny blue flowers.
  • Creeping raspberry (Rubus pentalobus) – Also known as crinkle leaf creeper, this plant displays thick green leaves that turn bright red in autumn.

Is Creeping Jenny A good ground cover?

Creeping Jenny is a perennial with bright, small yellow flowers. Though the blooms won’t last long, they are pretty. For that reason, this low-growing “creeper” is best grown for its foliage, which makes an excellent ground cover.

Does creeping thyme stay green all year?

Depending on your location, creeping thyme will either remain evergreen or it will lose its leaves and some stems will die over the winter. You don’t need to prune it, but to protect it as much as possible you can cover it with sand or gravel over the winter.

What ground cover is drought tolerant?

Gazania. Gazanias are native to the southern part of the African continent and have proven to be a good choice for use as a drought-tolerant ground cover for sun in Southern California.

Does creeping phlox come back every year?

Phlox are easy-to-grow perennials that come back reliably every season. Creeping Phlox blooms in mid-spring. It looks great planted with spring-blooming bulbs, like Daffodils and Tulips, or as an edging plant, or planted on slopes or stone walls where it can spill over the edge.

Can I walk on Creeping Jenny?

Creeping Jenny works well growing between stepping stones, where it will tolerate some foot traffic. In the late spring, creeping Jenny also produces dainty butter-yellow flowers.

Will deer eat creeping Jenny?

Creeping Jenny grows well in the types of moist, rich woodland conditions where rabbits usually live, but luckily, they usually will not touch it, and neither will deer. When they are truly hungry, both rabbits and deer will eat almost any plant, so keep an eye out.

Is Goldilocks the same as creeping Jenny?

Lysimacha nummularia ‘Goldilocks’ (Creeping Jenny) is a low-growing perennial forming an attractive mat of roundish to heart-shaped, shiny golden leaves, 1 in.

Does creeping thyme repel mosquitoes?

Thyme. Thyme, including red creeping thyme (shown), possesses excellent mosquito-repelling properties. The secret is to crush the leaves to release the volatile oils. You can simply place crushed stems around outdoor seating areas or rub the leaves on skin or clothing.

What do you need to know about full sun groundcover?

Any full sun groundcover needs to be tolerant of periods of dryness and thrive in blistering summer heat. Prior to installing plants, determine which are hardy in your zone. You should also consider the type of soil, pH, drainage, irrigation, and other site conditions.

What are the best ground covers for sunny areas?

One of the best ground covers for sunny areas is Lamb’s Ear ( Stachys byzantina ). The appropriately named ornamental plant has thick silvery foliage that covers ground extremely well. The most common use of this perennial plant is to edge pathways or flowerbeds.

What is the fastest growing hardy ground cover?

Creeping Juniper is a fast growing hardy ground cover plant for large sunny areas Another fast-spreading ground cover plant is the Creeping Juniper (Juniperus horizontalis) which is a shrubby type of low-growing plant. Also called the Creeping Cedar, this evergreen perennial can spread for many meters wide.

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