What happened to Pat and Eleni?
Eleni and Pat (PopularMMOs) were dating/girlfriend and boyfriend for around 6 months (according to Pat), (and have now broken up), but Eleni rejects this and says they hadn’t dated although Pat has proof to the contrary, it is not 100% confirmed.
Who is Eleni to Pat?
Eleni, is currently Pat’s EX. ever since Pat and Jen broke up. Pat and Eleni have not been recording videos together on the Pat & Friends channel on youtube. Eleni has never really watched videos before, and according to Pat, she was doing great on YouTube as a gamer, giving her a chance.
What happened to Sky Does Minecraft?
On December 31, 2017, they announced that the SkyDoesMinecraft channel would be officially discarded off the video-sharing platform at 12 am HST on January 1, 2018. All Minecraft videos published on the channel would be switched to another channel to avoid intrusion during the elimination of SkyDoesMinecraft.
When did popularmmos join YouTube?
Help the PopularMMOs Wikia by cleaning it up! PopularMMOs, also known as Pat or Patrick, is a YouTuber well-known for doing Let’s Plays on Minecraft but has also played games such as Five Nights at Freddy’s, The Impossible Quiz, Agar.io, and Slither.io. He joined YouTube on April 17, 2012.
What is popularpopularmmos most famous for?
PopularMMOs is mostly known for his Minecraft series’ “The Challenge Games”, and “Epic Proportions”. he also does challenges and roleplay and comical commentary with Jen (his now ex-wife) who mainly uploads Roblox videos.
What is popularmmos real full name?
Patrick Julianelle (born: November 25, 1988 (1988-11-25) [age 30]), better known online as PopularMMOs, is an American YouTuber who uploads Minecraft videos and vlogs. He played ROBLOX on his channel before.
How old is Pat from popularmmos?
Patrick “Pat” (born: November 25, 1988 (1988-11-25) [age 32]), better known online as PopularMMOs, is an American YouTuber who uploads Minecraft videos and vlogs. He played Roblox and Fortnite on his channel before.