What happened to the Bayou Gardener?

What happened to the Bayou Gardener?

I just found out that my favorite YouTube gardener, Donald Ducote, aka The Bayou Gardener died about three months ago. (Born June 18, 1955, died July 30, 2019.)

Who is the Bayou Gardener?

Country living, Cajun cooking, canning vegetables, equipment maintenance, composting, starting and maintaining a worm bed, compost and worm cast tea are just some of the subjects Donald Ducote (The Bayou Gardener) covers.

What tractor attachment makes rows?

Garden Bedders At the top of our list for the best tractor attachments for gardening, is the garden bedder. You see, we believe in the old saying, “work smarter, not harder.” A garden bedder is an invaluable tool that instantly creates rows for your garden.

What is Hill in gardening?

Planting “in hills” is a term used for the method of planting certain vegetable seeds in clusters. These clusters are not necessarily planted literally in raised mounds to form hills. Pumpkins, squashes, cucumbers and melons are the more common vegetables planted in hills, with 4-6 seeds per hill.

What is a Warren hoe?

A warren hoe makes planting seeds a breeze. This lightweight hoe may be triangular in shape, as in the photo above, or more like an arrowhead, with pointed “ears” on the opposite end of the tip. Its head is usually on a 90-degree angle. The pointed end digs a neat furrow in tilled soil, perfect to plant seeds in rows.

What is a middle buster used for?

A middle buster is an implement that connects to a hitch on the back of a tractor, primarily used to create furrows in areas of vegetation. Besides digging furrows for vegetables, middle busters can also be great tools for harvesting root vegetables like potatoes.

What is a potato Hiller?

Hilling your potatoes helps to keep the potato tubers from being exposed to sunlight as they grow. It also increases your yields because the plants have more soil around them to grow in.

Why do you plant cucumbers in mounds?

Planting cucumber plants on a slight mound helps to keep water from standing at the plant’s base. Create mounds with soil a few inches in height, and 12 to 18″ in diameter. When planting, allow 3′ between mounds for vining varieties, and 18″ for bush style cucumbers.

What does hills of 3 plants mean?

3. points. A hill can refer to a raised mound of soil or the hill can simply mean growing plants in a clump (flat circle) rather than spaced individually along a row. You plant 5 or 6 seeds in the hill to start, and then thin to the best two or three. A raised mound has warmer soil for germination and better drainage.

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