What happens if the zygomatic bone is damaged?

What happens if the zygomatic bone is damaged?

Fractures of the ZMC or zygomatic arch can often lead to unsightly malar depression, which should be corrected to restore a normal facial contour. ZMC fractures can also cause significant functional issues, including trismus, enophthalmos and/or diplopia, and paresthesias of the infraorbital nerve.

Which side of the orbit is most prone to injury?

Blow-out fractures that are limited medially to the infraorbital nerve are more common than those that extend laterally to it, resulting usually from high-velocity trauma. Both in adults and children, the medial and inferior orbital walls are the most vulnerable to fracture owing to their thin bony structure.

How do you treat a zygomatic complex fracture?

Most zygomatic complex fractures can be treated solely by an intraoral approach and rigid fixation at the zygomaticomaxillary buttress. Further exposure of the zygomaticofrontal junction or inferior orbital rim is necessary for severely displaced fractures, which require additional fixation.

Can a facial fracture heal on its own?

Often a facial fracture may be left to heal on its own. No treatment may be necessary if the broken bone stays in normal position, but injuries causing severe fractures may need to be surgically repaired.

Which bone of the orbit is most likely to fracture with blunt orbital trauma?

The orbital floor, the maxillary bone, is the most common orbital fracture. These floor-fractures are quite common.

How serious is an orbital fracture?

These fractures may be asymptomatic and can be observed or cause problems with double vision, or a change in the position of the eyeball, and require surgical repair.

How serious is a broken orbital bone?

They are a type of orbital floor fracture. Instead of fracturing, the bones flex outward, then return to their normal position. While not technically a bone break, trapdoor fractures can still lead to severe and sometimes permanent damage.

What is a zygomatic fracture?

A zygomatic complex fracture is a fracture that involves the zygoma and its surrounding bones. The typical lines of a zygomatic complex fracture are: A fracture emanating from the inferior orbital fissure superiorly along the sphenozygomatic suture to the frontozygomatic suture where it crosses the lateral orbital rim.

How easy is it to break your orbital bone?

The orbital rim is very thick, so only extreme force, such as an injury from a car accident, can break it. This extra force can also injure the nerves, muscles, and connective tissues in the eye. Direct orbital floor fracture.

What are the possible complications of zygomatic arch fractures?

Fractures of the ZMC or zygomatic arch can often lead to unsightly malar depression, which should be corrected to restore a normal facial contour. ZMC fractures can also cause significant functional issues, including trismus, enophthalmos and/or diplopia, and paresthesias of the infraorbital nerve.

What are the possible complications of orbital fractures of the left eye?

ZMC fracture of the left side. Associated eye injuries can include scleral lacerations, hyphema, commotio retinae, retinal detachments, ruptured globes, and compressive optic neuropathy. Typically, 29.8% of orbital fractures are associated with a concomitant eye injury (Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2004;130 (2):164-170)

What is the pathophysiology of zygomatic fracture of the orbital floor?

All fractures of the zygoma potentiallyinvolve the orbital floor. Minor discrepancies of zygomatic boneposition can cause marked asymetry. The zygomatic bone transmits 3 nerves

What is a zygomaticomalar fracture?

Orbital Fractures. These fractures of the zygomaticomalar complex (ZMC) should be readily recognized by surgeons who manage trauma. Repair should be undertaken with the goal of achieving alignment of the entire lateral orbit, which is a critical component of orbital volume restoration.

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