What happens if you fail an exam LSE?

What happens if you fail an exam LSE?

If you have failed or deferred one full unit or less: you will automatically progress into the next year of study. You will be entered to attempt your resit or deferred assessment during the Undergraduate Resit and Deferred Assessment Period (UG RDAP).

Is it hard to get distinction LSE?

Myth 2: It is impossible to get a distinction This is partially true. It is quite hard to get a distinction (70 and above). This is because, if you look at the explanation given in the scoring matrix, one has to come up with very innovative answers to be awarded a high mark. However, it is not impossible.

Does LSE resit?

Retakes. Given the competition for places and the nature of assessment at LSE, we prefer students who have achieved high grades in their first attempt (and in one sitting) at relevant examinations. If extenuating circumstances have impacted your exam performance, you should include details of these in your application.

Is a merit from LSE good?

Most programmes set the requirement of a Masters grade as merit. Sometimes they will use “good grades” but that’s still mean merit. If you meet it, then it is fine. With high merit in LSE, you won’t need to worry about this requirement for most programmes.

What is a good grade at LSE?


LSE class of degree % mark equivalent Summary Class Grade
First 70-74 A
Upper Second 65-69 A-
Upper Second 60-64 B+
Lower Second 55-59 B

Are LSE degrees with Honours?

We currently offer three single honours degrees in: Economics; Econometrics and Mathematical Economics; and Economics with Economic History (until 2020/21). You can also take degrees which combine Economics in various ways with Economic History, Environmental Policy, Geography, Government, Philosophy and Mathematics.

Is it hard to get distinction in Masters in UK?

No, not really. You need an overall mark of 70% or 75% on a postgraduate Master’s degree. In a class of 20 students 3 to 5 students will typically get a distinction.

How do you get a distinction in the Masters?

In some cases taught masters are merely graded as a pass or fail, but commonly taught masters degree grades are fail, pass, merit (or credit) and distinction. The boundaries for this are usually 50% for a pass, 60% for a merit and 70% for a distinction as the table illustrates.

What do LSE look for?

What LSE looks for. LSE takes into account all the information presented in the UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service) application and recruits students with “the best academic merit, potential and motivation, irrespective of their background.”

What grading system does LSE use?

Is it hard to fail a module at LSE?

I remember one of my professors mentioning in his first lecture that at LSE failing is actually hard. He said that you’d have to work extremely hard to actually fail a module. This is because by attending the lectures, being thorough with them before the exam and revising the topics properly, you are putting yourself in a good position to pass.

What happens if I miss a class at LSE?

Attendance at classes is compulsory and is recorded on LSE for You. Any student who is absent on two consecutive occasions or is regularly absent without good reason will be automatically reported to their academic adviser.

How does LSE decide if I am fit for an assessment?

By submitting your assessment regardless of whether it is coursework, participation in a class presentation or sitting an exam, LSE considers that you have declared yourself fit enough to do so.

What is a ‘bad fail’ in GCSEs?

For example: For taught Masters courses, x is 39 and a ‘fail’ is when you score between 49-39 and below 39 is considered to be a ‘bad fail’. Now that this is clear, note that you will not get your degree only if you ‘fail’ in 2 or more papers or obtain a ‘bad fail’ in one or more papers.

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