What happens when multiple clients connect to a network server?

What happens when multiple clients connect to a network server?

Simply, if I connect to the same web server twice from my client, the two connections will have different source ports from my perspective and destination ports from the web server’s. So there is no ambiguity, even though both connections have the same source and destination IP addresses.

How do servers handle multiple clients?

If a server uses a number of sub-processes in order to serve multiple requests by allocating each socket to one sub-process then it is known as a multi-threaded server. This is how the server handles multiple connections at a time.

Can six clients each from a different host connect to the same server port from the same port number using the same protocol?

Multiple connections on the same server can share the same server-side IP/Port pair as long as they are associated with different client-side IP/Port pairs, and the server would be able to handle as many clients as available system resources allow it to.

Can a client connect to multiple servers?

2 Answers. Yes – you need one socket for each connection. A socket is a client IP address + client port + server IP address + server port combination. If a client is talking to multiple servers, it is using multiple ports on the client machine.

How many requests can a server handle at a time?

The from-the-box number of open connections for most servers is usually around 256 or fewer, ergo 256 requests per second. You can push it up to 2000-5000 for ping requests or to 500-1000 for lightweight requests.

What is a concurrent server?

A concurrent server accepts a client connection, delegates the connection to a child process of some kind, and immediately signals its availability to receive the next client connection.

What is multithreaded server?

A multithreaded server is any server that has more than one thread. Because a transport requires its own thread, multithreaded servers also have multiple transports. The number of thread-transport pairs that a server contains defines the number of requests that the server can handle in parallel.

How many clients can a server socket connect to?

On the TCP level the tuple (source ip, source port, destination ip, destination port) must be unique for each simultaneous connection. That means a single client cannot open more than 65535 simultaneous connections to a single server. But a server can (theoretically) serve 65535 simultaneous connections per client.

Is it possible to connect the client application to multiple server applications?

Any given client could open as many ports at the same time as it can handle, on the same or different IP addresses (which is, of course, how your web browser maintains connections to multiple web servers, or the same one multiple times).

How do you handle millions of requests?

Default Frontend Optimization

  1. Use cache headers in your responses (Etag, cache and so on)
  2. Store all static data on CDN if you can.
  3. Optimize your images using tinypng service.
  4. Inspect your javascript libraries.
  5. Gzip all HTML/js/CSS content.
  6. Try to reduce the number of requests to 3rd party services.

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